Clínicas ambulatorias CVS cerca de San Carlos, California


Clínica(s) cerca de San Carlos

Walk-ins are back at MinuteClinic

Walk in at your convenience or schedule an appointment online.

Walk-in visits are subject to availability.

Clínicas ambulatorias CVS cerca de San Carlos, California

MinuteClinics® in San Carlos

A CVS walk-in clinic in San Carlos is not hard to find, no matter if you're out in the suburbs, living on campus at Notre Dame De Namur University, or live in the center of downtown. We have 6 MinuteClinics® in the area, so the medical attention you need is easy to find. Our San Carlos area MinuteClinics® help you treat minor injuries like bug bites and splinters and minor illnesses like ear infections and styes. Book an in-person appointment, or if you're not feeling healthy enough to make it to the clinic, you can make a telehealth appointment. Convenient and less expensive than going to Urgent Care in San Carlos or a stay at Sequoia Hospital, MinuteClinic® is committed to keeping you in good health.

Clínicas ambulatorias en San Carlos

Going outside and enjoying Toyon Campground is something the people of San Carlos love to do, but doing so can lead to injuries, from unpleasant rashes to ticks. A CVS walk-in clinic near San Carlos, California can help you recover from such injuries and allow you to return to relaxing at Perles Beach. There is more to health and wellness than just recovering from minor illnesses and injuries. Our walk-in clinics in the San Carlos area offer physicals, wellness checks, immunizations, and more.

MinuteClinic® Services in San Carlos

Los siguientes servicios están disponibles en una MinuteClinic® en el área de San Carlos:

  • Get examined if you are displaying symptoms of diseases such as heartburn, styes, bronchitis, and more. A MinuteClinic® practitioner can provide a diagnosis and help create a treatment plan.
  • Get help with solutions for minor injuries such as splinter removal, minor burn treatment, sting treatment, strain treatment, and more.
  • Receive assistance controlling chronic conditions with a comprehensive health screening, asthma monitoring, cholesterol screening, and more. You can also find out important numbers such as blood pressure and BMI.
  • Visit a San Carlos clinic for help with dry, itchy skin as well as canker sore treatment, shingles treatment, impetigo treatment, and a variety of other minor skin issues.
  • A medida que se prepara para su próximo viaje, podemos ayudarle a conocer todo lo que necesita saber con una consulta previaje. A CVS walk-in clinic in San Carlos offers motion sickness prevention, typhoid prevention, and malaria prevention to help keep you well on your journey.
  • CVS has a variety of immunizations for the whole family-from adults to children. Sought-after shots such as the tetanus vaccine, vitamin B12 injection, and Tdap vaccine are regularly available.
  • Get help optimizing your well-being and getting ready for sports leagues, jobs, and college with epi pen refills, a weight loss program, titers testing, ear wax removal, and more.
  • When you cannot schedule an appointment with your OB/GYN or primary care physician, a MinuteClinic® in San Carlos is here to help. Access valuable women's services including trichomoniasis treatment, human papillomavirus treatment, herpes simplex treatment, and more.

There are 6 MinuteClinic® locations in the San Carlos area, so you will not have to go far to get checkups and diagnoses, vaccinations, or help with treating injuries or illnesses. Visite nuestras clínicas ambulatorias de San Carlos para recibir apoyo profesional.

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