Customer reviews for Cetaphil Gentle Cleansing Bar

Cómo conseguirlo
- Sí, recomiendoMARYCompra verificadaReviewed 1 week agoCumple mis expectativasDe 5Calidad De 5
I have been using this lotion for some years
I use Cetaphil lotion and it's a very good product.0 users found this review helpful. - Sí, recomiendoBRUCECompra verificadaReviewed 2 weeks agoFácil de usarDe 5DuraderoDe 5Valor De 5Cumple mis expectativasDe 5Calidad De 5
Clean smooth skin
Excellent bat soap , clean soften skin and gentle to the face and body0 users found this review helpful. - kaitlynwagReviewed 1 month ago
Holy Grail. Perfect for a gentle cleanse!
I'd have a picture to post of it if I wasn't already using my last bar in the 3- pack! This cleanser lasts forever and has been the only cleanser i've consistently used since high school!! It doesn't leave my skin dry like a lot of cleansers can, and I love the lather it provides. I have no acne issues thankfully but I genuinely believe the fact I've used this for so long is one of the reasons I don't get pimples!!0 users found this review helpful.Originally posted on - Sí, recomiendoJEANNECompra verificadaReviewed 1 month agoFácil de usarDe 5DuraderoDe 5Valor De 5Cumple mis expectativasDe 5Calidad De 50 users found this review helpful.
- Sí, recomiendoLOURDESCompra verificadaReviewed 1 month agoFácil de usarDe 5DuraderoDe 5Valor De 5Cumple mis expectativasDe 5Calidad De 5
Great product!
It helps a lot for my sensitive and itchy skin. So soft and no harmful ingredients.0 users found this review helpful. - Sí, recomiendoMICHAELCompra verificadaReviewed 2 months agoFácil de usarDe 5DuraderoDe 5Valor De 5Cumple mis expectativasDe 5Calidad De 50 users found this review helpful.
- lcsocalReviewed 2 months ago
Gentle on Sensitive Skin
Great everyday soap for the family that everyone will like. Gentle on sensitive skin even when used liberally. Subtle clean scent, not overpowering.0 users found this review helpful.Originally posted on - StopWithTheFragrancePlzReviewed 3 months ago
Not fragrance-free
I really wanted to love this soap. I'm switching from Simple face wash to a bar and thought this would be fragrance-free, but it has a super strong fragrance. So strong I can smell it in my hallway. I'm surprised this is marketed as being good for sensitive skin, as my skin (and migraines!) definitely don't like it.0 users found this review helpful.Originally posted on
Details for Cetaphil Gentle Cleansing Bar
Beneficio | Hidratación |
Formulario | Barra |
Tipo de producto | Bar soap |
Cantidad | Paquete individual |
Aroma | Fresh |
Tipo de piel | Sensitive |