Customer reviews for Delsym Cough + Sore Throat Relief, Honey, 6 OZ

Delsym Cough + Sore Throat Relief, Honey, 6 OZ
Oferta $16.99
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  • Sí, recomiendo
    Reviewed 4 years ago
    Had a sever sore throat and harsh cough, once I started taking the medicine I was feeling instant relief. When I woke up the next day I was feeling even better! It does taste pretty gross but if you want to feel better you'll suck it up and drink it.
    Hace 4 años
    Hi Chris, we're sorry to hear about your experience with our Delsym® Adult Liquid. We would love an opportunity to obtain more information. Please call 1-866-529-8804 between 9:00am-5:00pm EST (Monday-Friday) and someone will be happy to help you. When calling, kindly refer to reference # R086458900. Thank you!<!--[if ReviewResponse]><![endif]-->
    Delsym Team
    1 users found this review helpful.
  • Theresa Brittain
    Reviewed 4 years ago
    This stuff tastes nasty, not like the other syrups with honey I have tried. It contains acetaminaphen/Tylenol, so you have to make sure you don't give Tylenol separately.
    Hace 4 años
    Hi Theresa, we're sorry to hear about your experience with our Delsym® Adult Liquid. We would love an opportunity to obtain more information. Please call 1-866-529-8804 between 9:00am-5:00pm EST (Monday-Friday) and someone will be happy to help you. When calling, kindly refer to reference # R086028640. Thank you!<!--[if ReviewResponse]><![endif]-->
    Delsym Team
    1 users found this review helpful.
  • Sí, recomiendo
    Reviewed 5 years ago
    I felt it was necessary to give a review. I felt immediate relief. Throat was hurting, voice was cracking, painful when fussing at my son to stop doing flips on my couch. I took this last night and literally had immediate relief. I've taken it today as precaution to make sure it doesnt return and I'm probably 90% better.
    1 users found this review helpful.
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Details for Delsym Cough + Sore Throat Relief, Honey, 6 OZ

ProblemaDolor de garganta
Tipo de productoRespiratory & throat treatments
CantidadPaquete individual
SíntomaCold & flu symptoms