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Cold and Flu Medicine

Feeling under the weather can make you sluggish, uncomfortable, and fatigued. Whether it's the common cold, a nagging cough, or the flu, you need medicine to help ease your symptoms so you can get back to a normal life. As you shop for cough, cold, and flu medicine, it's important to understand which ones you need and what they can do for you. No matter which one you choose, read on to determine what the right medication is for your specific symptoms.

Types of Cold Medicine

You can purchase a variety of products including gluten free cough syrup y sore throat spray at your local drugstore to help combat the symptoms of cold, cough, and flu. Cough syrups can coat your throat and keep coughing to a minimum. Certain cough syrups also contain an expectorant, and ingredient that will help to loosen chest congestion. Antibiotics will not help with cold or flu since they are not effective against the cold and flu virus. You can find cold, cough, and flu remedies over the counter that can relieve pain, reduce fever, and help you sleep until your body heals. Need daytime relief? Check out our non drowsy cough medicine productos.

When you look for treatments, make sure they contain ingredients that will not cause an allergic reaction. Some cold and cough medications contain ingredients that increase the heart rate and are not recommended for patients with high blood pressure. Always read the ingredient label and the dosage directions before you buy a treatment for cold, cough, and flu. If your fever does not break or your symptoms continue to persist, see your doctor as soon as possible.

Síntomas del resfrío

Before purchasing cold, cough and flu medicine, it's a good idea to recognize the symptoms of your condition. A cold usually starts with a sore throat that goes away in a few days. You'll also experience a runny nose, congestion, and a slight cough within a few days. Most people do not have a fever if they have a common cold, however, children may have a slight fever during the first day to two days. A typical cold should last approximately one week.

What are the Best Cough, Cold & Flu Brands?

What Is the Difference Between a Cold and the Flu?

Colds and the flu are common seasonal ailments, both caused by bacteria and viruses that can affect your nose, sinuses, and/or throat. Colds come on slower, usually over a period of 2 days, and are characterized by a runny nose, congestion, sneezing, coughing, and watery eyes. Symptoms typically last 3 - 10 days. The flu comes on fast and symptoms include fever, chills, body aches, weakness, and fatigue. Symptoms of the flu can last 7 - 14 days and may continue for up to 3 weeks. If you are feeling ill, we always recommend that you visit your doctor to get a proper diagnosis and find out about the treatment options that are best for you.

How To Treat a Cold

Symptoms of a head cold include nasal and sinus congestion, sneezing, coughing, runny nose, headache, and minor pains. These can be uncomfortable and get in the way of your day. Since most people will recover on their own, medicine for a cold usually consists of over the counter remedies to help you cope with the discomfort. CVS offers a wide selection of the best cold and cough medicine to temporarily relieve your symptoms. Cough medicine is formulated with ingredients that act as a cough suppressant. These are usually available in a non-drowsy formula for daytime use, and nighttime cough medicine in a drowsy formula to help control your symptoms at night. CVS offers a variety of both drowsy and non drowsy cold medicines. You may also wish to take an expectorante, which loosens mucus and makes it easier to cough up. For a severe cough, we recommend selecting a product specially formulated for intense symptoms, such as Mucinex. If your throat is sore from coughing, a soothing tea may bring relief. CVS carries a selection of the best cough remedies, so you can choose what works best for you.

If you prefer natural cold remedies, we have you covered. Using neti pots and organic products like organic cough syrup use healing ingredients like honey to soothe a sore throat and reduce coughing. For little ones with a head cold, infant or children’s cold medicine may help keep them comfortable. cold medicine for high blood pressure is also available. If you are dealing with pain associated with sinus congestion, choose a product that contains both a decongestant and a pain reliever. We recommend Advil Cold and Sinus. When you are dealing with sinus, cold, and cough symptoms, using over the counter medication for temporary relief such as multi symptom cold and flu medicine is generally considered safe, but it is always a good idea to check in with your doctor. He or she can provide you with a professional diagnosis and advise you about the best way to manage your symptoms.

What Cold Medicine Can I Take While Breastfeeding or Pregnant?

If you are breastfeeding or pregnant, talk to your doctor before taking any over the counter medication. If you are feeling ill for more than a few days while breastfeeding or pregnant, it is a good idea to make an appointment with your healthcare provider to ensure that you and your child get the care you need.

How Does Cold Medicine Work?

Each cold medicine works differently depending on the active ingredients included in it. Decongestants such as phenylephrine work by decreasing swelling in your nose and ears in order to reduce your discomfort. Antihistamines used to relieve cold symptoms such as chlorpheniramine work by blocking not only histamines but also acetylcholine, and are thought to help dry up certain bodily fluids and relieve symptoms like watery eyes and runny nose. Pain relievers and fever reducers like cold medicine with ibuprofen work to reduce inflammation by blocking your body's production of certain natural substances, which in turn helps to decrease swelling, pain, and/or fever.

*PARA ENTREGA DE PEDIDO EL MISMO DÍA: la entrega el mismo día está disponible en solo tres horas para pedidos minoristas y direcciones elegibles. El mínimo total de pedido requerido para entrega el mismo día se verá al pagar. Los pedidos se deben realizar cuatro horas antes del horario de cierre de la tienda o antes de las 8 p. m. para las tiendas abiertas las 24 horas. Si realiza su pedido fuera de estos horarios, lo entregaremos al día siguiente. Algunos pedidos pueden no ser elegibles para entrega el mismo día debido a la dirección de entrega, días festivos, clima u otras restricciones de entrega. No es necesario que los clientes estén presentes para las entregas. El período de entrega es solo un estimado y podría estar sujeto a demoras. La entrega no está disponible en todas las ubicaciones, incluso Puerto Rico o Hawái. CVS® se reserva el derecho de limitar la cantidad de artículos pedidos para recoger el mismo día. Cuando nuestro socio de servicio de mensajería de confianza haya recogido su pedido, recibirá un correo electrónico con el mensaje "your order is on the way" (su pedido está en camino) (diferente del correo electrónico de confirmación de su pedido). Después de que su pedido haya sido entregado, enviaremos un correo electrónico con el mensaje "your order has been delivered" (su pedido ha sido entregado).

*FOR EXTRACARE PLUS: Membership is $5 per month or $48 annually plus any applicable taxes. Debe tener una tarjeta ExtraCare® para inscribirse. ​​​​​​​La membresía requiere cargos recurrentes a su tarjeta de pago y se renueva automáticamente hasta que se cancele. To cancel, call 1-800-746-7287 no later than three days before the renewal date or cancel online anytime. No se emiten reintegros por los cargos de membresía mensual o anual una vez procesado el cargo recurrente. Las recompensas adicionales son promocionales, no tienen valor en efectivo y no se pueden canjear por efectivo. El 20% de descuento se aplica únicamente a artículos que no están en promoción ni liquidación y tienen la etiqueta CVS Health®; se aplican exclusiones. Para habilitar ciertos beneficios digitales, de envío y entrega de farmacia, usted debe tener una cuenta de CVS® y completar su perfil digital en línea.® shipping and same-day delivery are FREE for qualifying orders of at least $10 after the application of any coupons, promotions, rewards or discounts and before taxes are applied. La entrega GRATIS de medicamentos con receta está disponible para pedidos de medicamentos con receta y planes de salud elegibles. Los tiempos de entrega pueden variar. La mayoría de las tiendas son elegibles para la entrega. Se aplican otras exclusiones. Consulte los términos y condiciones completos.

*PARA PRUEBA DE COVID-19 PARA HACERSE EN CASA - SELECCIONAR RECLAMACIÓN DE SEGURO: el gobierno federal anunció que la Emergencia de Salud Pública para abordar el COVID-19, (PHE) terminó el 11 de mayo de 2023. Como resultado, las aseguradoras individuales y sus clientes ahora toman decisiones de cobertura en base a qué es lo mejor para los diseños de sus planes individuales. Los clientes y pacientes deben consultar con su aseguradora para obtener información sobre la cobertura actual para determinar le elegibilidad para las pruebas para hacerse en casa. La pruebas de COVID-19 para hacerse en casa no son elegibles para descuentos con cupones y promociones, incluso recompensas ExtraBucks Rewards®.

*FOR FREE FLU SHOTS: No cost with most insurance. Se aplican restricciones de edad. Disponible cuando haya un profesional especializado en inmunización certificado de turno. Ingresar a para obtener más detalles.

HSA/FSA: Health Savings Account and Flexible Spending Account eligible, dependent on funding.

FOR VITAMINS AND SUPPLEMENTS: Check with your health care provider before taking any vitamins or supplements. Ciertas afirmaciones no están evaluadas por la FDA. Consulte más detalles en el producto.

FOR UPPER RESPIRATORY CAMPAIGN: Use products only as directed. Talk to your doctor if you have any questions.