Customer reviews for Mucinex Sinus-Max Maximum Strength Severe Congestion & Pain Relief Liquid, 6 OZ

Mucinex Sinus-Max Maximum Strength Severe Congestion & Pain Relief Liquid, 6 OZ
Oferta $16.99
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  • Sí, recomiendo
    Compra verificada
    Reviewed 3 days ago
    Valor De 5
    Cumple mis expectativasDe 5
    Calidad De 5
    0 users found this review helpful.
  • Sí, recomiendo
    Reviewed 6 days ago

    Good Product Once You Figure Out How to Use it.

    Bought this today. Please!!! Somebody fix the ridiculous peel off instructions that aren't even clear. That's why I'm on this site - to get instructions. Otherwise, this product seems to be doing a good job.
    Reply from Mucinex
    1 day ago
    Thank you for your feedback regarding our Mucinex® product. We'd love to learn more about your experience. When you have a chance, please call us at 1-866-529-8804 between 9:00-5:00 EST (Monday - Friday) and mention the following reference number RB0005799946, and we would be happy to assist you further.
    Mucinex® Consumer Relations
    0 users found this review helpful.
    Originally posted on Mucinex
  • Sí, recomiendo
    Reviewed 1 week ago
    Valor De 5
    Cumple mis expectativasDe 5
    Calidad De 5
    0 users found this review helpful.
  • Sí, recomiendo
    Compra verificada
    Reviewed 2 weeks ago
    Valor De 5
    Cumple mis expectativasDe 5
    Calidad De 5
    0 users found this review helpful.
  • Sí, recomiendo
    Reviewed 3 weeks ago
    Valor De 5
    Cumple mis expectativasDe 5
    Calidad De 5

    Definitely not max

    This has not helped my son at all. Still congested and coughing horribly all night long
    3 weeks ago
    Hi Raven. We are sorry to learn about your son's experience with our Mucinex® product. We would like the opportunity to speak with you personally. Please call us at your convenience at 1-866-529-8804 between 9:00-5:00 EST (Monday - Friday) and mention the following reference number 5714439, and we would be happy to help.<!--[if ReviewResponse]><![endif]-->
    Mucinex Team
    0 users found this review helpful.
  • Sí, recomiendo
    Compra verificada
    Reviewed 4 months ago
    Valor De 5
    Cumple mis expectativasDe 5
    Calidad De 5
    0 users found this review helpful.
  • donut
    Reviewed 4 months ago

    horrible flavor

    is there a reason that you must make it taste so bad that i have to will myself not to vomit it back out? i suppose it works well, but the retching makes me reluctant to use it. other brands work fairly well without the poisonous flavor, so let people take the responsibility of securing medicines away from unauthorized users and stop punishing the rest of us that already feel sick - we don’t need to add another level of malaise.
    Reply from Consumer Relations
    Hace 4 meses
    We are sorry to learn about your experience with our Mucinex product. We'd like the opportunity to speak with you personally. Please call us at your convenience at 1-866-529-8804 between 9:00-5:00 EST (Monday - Friday) and mention the following reference number RB0005195646, and we would be happy to help.
    Mucinex Consumer Relations
    0 users found this review helpful.
    Originally posted on Mucinex
  • Sí, recomiendo
    Reviewed 5 months ago
    Valor De 5
    Cumple mis expectativasDe 5
    Calidad De 5

    Did not work for me

    Did not do what hoped to relieve nasal congestion. Needed to get a prescription
    Hace 5 meses
    Hi Barb. We are sorry to learn about your experience with our Mucinex® Sinus-Max® Severe Congestion & Pain liquid. We would like the opportunity to speak with you personally. Please call us at your convenience at 1-866-529-8804 between 9:00-5:00 EST (Monday - Friday) and mention the following reference number 5018813, and we would be happy to help.<!--[if ReviewResponse]><![endif]-->
    Mucinex Team
    0 users found this review helpful.
Página 1 de 7

Details for Mucinex Sinus-Max Maximum Strength Severe Congestion & Pain Relief Liquid, 6 OZ

ProblemaGripe y resfriado
Ingrediente claveAcetaminophen
Tipo de productoRespiratory & throat treatments
CantidadPaquete individual
SíntomaChest congestion