Customer reviews for CVS Health Senna Laxative, Marshmellow Vanilla, 8 OZ

CVS Health - Laxante de sena, Marshmellow Vanilla, 8 oz
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  • Sí, recomiendo
    Reviewed 3 years ago
    Toddler approved!! My daughter will very willingly take this medicine as the taste is great. We previously used Walgreens brand in the same flavor but they discontinued it. I was incredibly glad and relieved to find that CVS made one in the same flavor.
    1 users found this review helpful.
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Details for CVS Health Senna Laxative, Marshmellow Vanilla, 8 OZ

ProblemaAlivio de gases y constipación
Ingrediente claveNo corresponde
Tipo de productoLaxantes
CantidadPaquete individual