Generic Heartburn Medicine
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Generic Heartburn Medicine
Generic heartburn medicine may help offer effective relief if you experience painful heartburn, bloating or indigestion. Whether you need fast-acting relief after a meal or longer-lasting support to help with acid reflux, several medicines are available that may help alleviate heartburn.
What Are Common Heartburn Medications?
You can buy different kinds of generic heartburn medicine over the counter. These may include antacid liquids, chews, tablets and capsules. They contain ingredients to help reduce the amount of acid in the stomach and esophagus. Reducing acid may assist in managing gas, bloating, indigestion and may help prevent stomach ulcers.
Antacids, such as CVS Health Heartburn Relief chewable tablets, may neutralize stomach acids after you eat. Proton pump inhibitors help the glands in your stomach produce less acid and might take longer to work than antacids. H2 blockers, including CVS Health Acid Controller tablets, can help reduce gastric acid by binding to histamine receptors in the stomach lining.
What Is the Generic Name for Heartburn Medicine?
There are three main types of heartburn medicine, and each includes several generic options:
Antacids, such as magnesium carbonate or alumina hydroxide
Proton pump inhibitors, such as omeprazole or esomeprazole
H2 blockers, such as famotidine or cimetidine
You can usually find antacids in a liquid formula or chews that you can take after a meal. The ingredients within antacids help neutralize stomach acids to help prevent heartburn. Proton pump inhibitors and H2 blockers are usually tablets or capsules that you may take regularly to help reduce the amount of acid produced in your stomach. PPIs are usually taken once daily, whereas H2 blockers may be taken before eating to help prevent heartburn symptoms.
Is Generic Heartburn Medicine Effective?
Generic heartburn pills, chews and liquids can be just as effective as brand-name products as they often contain the same active ingredients. When taken correctly, products such as CVS Health Dual-Action Complete Acid Reducer Plus Antacid can help soothe heartburn, indigestion and bloating. Antacids may work in a few minutes; H2 blockers may help prevent meal-related heartburn within an hour of taking them, and their effects may last several hours. PPIs may take 1-4 days to offer relief. Always read the label to make sure it’s safe for you to take heartburn medicine. If you have any doubts, consult a doctor.