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Jakemans Throat & Chest Lozenges Box, 24CT, Cherry

20.8¢ c/u
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Jakemans Throat & Chest Lozenges Box, 24CT, Cherry

24.00 u., 0.19 lb N.° de artículo 513277

Made in Boston England since 1907, Jakemans Throat & Chest Lozenges have been helping throats feel better naturally for more than a century. Long known for their unusually delicious flavors and unique Liquid-Dropshape, our lozenges provide you with comfortable, soothing relief from coughs or sore throats. They are the smoothest Lozenges you'll ever try, because they are formed from a droplet, not compressed and stamped out by a machine. These lozenges are made with Peppermint, a strongly aromatic perennial herb with delightful pinkish lavender flowers and fragrant dark green leaves. It provides the familiar cooling sensation so beneficial for soothing coughs and sore throats. Menthol Cough Suppressant & Oral Anesthetic Formulated using only the very finest natural and other premium ingredients No artificial color or flavor. Suitable for vegetarians. Made with Peppermint, a strongly aromatic perennial herb with delightful pinkish lavender flowers and fragrant dark green leaves
Contains only natural ingredients with no artificial color or flavor
It provides a cool sensation for soothing cough and sore-throat 
    See the full list of product ingredients on the product label. Active Ingredient: Menthol 5mg; Inactive Ingredients: glucose syrup, lactic acid, natural flavor, sodium lactate, sugar, water
    Directions: Adults and children 2 years and over: dissolve lozenge slowly in the mouth. Repetir cada 2 horas según sea necesario o según las indicaciones de un médico. Niños menores de 2 años: consulte a un profesional de la salud.
    Sore throat warning: If sore throat is severe, persists more than 2 days, is accompanied or followed by fever, headache, rash, swelling, nausea, or vomitting, consult a doctor promptly. Ask a doctor before use if you have: persistent or chronic chough as occurs with smoking, asthma or emphysema; cough that occurs with excessive phlegm (mucus). Stop use and ask a doctor if: Sore mouth symptoms do not improve in 7 days; cough persists for more than 1 week, tends to recur, or is accompanied by fever, rash or persistent headache. Una tos persistente puede ser signo de una afección grave. Si está embarazada o en período de lactancia, consulte a un profesional de la salud antes de usar el producto. Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños.
    ProblemaDolor de garganta
    Tipo de productoTratamientos para el resfriado y la gripe
    Cantidad11-30 u.

    *Las reseñas y calificaciones de los clientes reflejan únicamente la opinión y punto de vista de los contribuyentes individuales y no son creadas ni avaldas por CVS Pharmacy. Revise las etiquetas del producto y consulte a su profesional de la salud si tiene alguna pregunta médica o de salud.