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Thermoskin Sports Adjustable Thumb Brace

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Thermoskin Sports Adjustable Thumb Brace

1.00 C/U, 0.31 lb N.° de artículo 424522

The Thermoskin sports thumb provides compression, support, and warmth for the thumb and wrist. The wrist wrap design with an adjustable strap helps stabilize the thumb. The exclusive "Cross-X" strap supports the thumb CMC joint and offers unlimited adjustability. Anatomical design allows for the full function of the wrist and hand. Provides Carpometacarpal (CMC) joint support and compression for RSI, arthritic pain, and/or thumb instability. Adjustable strap keeps thumb stable
Cross-X strap supports the joint
Allows full function of hand and wrist
Compression helps relieve pain
    See the full list of product ingredients on the product label.
    See directions below. Place thumb through the support and then secure the wrist strap to the inside of the support with the smaller VR tab
    Pull the first thumb strap down towards your wrist and then secure, then follow with the second strap to cross over the first forming a teardrop shape around your thumb
    Finally, anchor these straps in place by wrapping the wrist strap over and securing at the desired level of compression
    Re-adjust as required
    See warnings below. Do not wear within the first 72 hours following an acute injury
    This product contains a synthetic fiber which may cause allergic reactions
    Should an irritation or rash develop, discontinue use and seek medical advice
    If pain persists, discontinue use and consult your medical professional
    ProblemaInjury repair
    CaracterísticasAdjustable straps
    Tipo de productoSupports
    CantidadPaquete individual
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    *Las reseñas y calificaciones de los clientes reflejan únicamente la opinión y punto de vista de los contribuyentes individuales y no son creadas ni avaldas por CVS Pharmacy. Revise las etiquetas del producto y consulte a su profesional de la salud si tiene alguna pregunta médica o de salud.