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Vegobears, Santa Monica Gummy Bears, 4 Oz

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Vegobears, Santa Monica Gummy Bears, 4 Oz

4.00 oz, 0.25 lb. N.º de artículo 868933

Meet Vegobears - the friendliest bunch of gummy bears on a mission to make cleaner candy. With ingredients sourced from organic farms and no gelatin, this is candy you can feel good about. Mix of Sweet Gummy Bears flavored with Banana, Strawberry and Pineapple
Vegan & USDA Organic
No High Fructose Corn Syrup, Trans Fats or GMO’s
    See the full list of product ingredients on the product label.
    Follow as instructed on the product label.
    Follow as instructed on the product label.
    Tipo de productoDulces

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