Natural Dog Food
Natural Dog Food
Pet food companies must follow guidelines to label their products as "natural." For most people, natural generally means something straight from nature, without human-produced chemicals or processing. However, when it comes to pet food companies, natural means something slightly different from what most people think it means.
When a dog food has a label indicating it as natural, it must not have any ingredients that are artificial or synthetically manufactured. However, AAFCO still does allow foods to be listed as natural pet foods when they contain synthetic nutritional supplements such as vitamins, minerals, and trace nutrients. In general, natural foods are free of processing by-products, preservatives, and other chemicals. They are the only synthesized ingredients allowed in natural dog food. When choosing natural dog foods, you can check for a statement from the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) on the food's packaging. That means the pet food is formulated to be nutritionally complete for your dog and meets the minimum standards.
Best Natural Dog Foods
The best natural dog foods contain high-quality ingredients that are nutrient-rich. Their components should be from natural sources, and the food is free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives. Such foods may include meats and vegetables like kale, spinach, etc. Also, they may contain fortified vitaminas and minerals that are essential for supporting your dog's good health. Other nutrients may include probiotics to ensure a healthy gut and beneficial fats to help keep a dog's joints and skin healthy.