Customer reviews for CVS Health Maximum Strength Adult Cold, Flu & Sore Throat Liquid, 6 OZ

CVS Health Maximum Strength Adult Cold, Flu & Sore Throat Liquid, 6 OZ
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  • Sí, recomiendo
    Reviewed 5 years ago
    0 users found this review helpful.
  • Sí, recomiendo
    Reviewed 5 years ago
    0 users found this review helpful.
  • Sí, recomiendo
    Reviewed 5 years ago
    The pharmacist recommended this to me because I was so sick and could not get in with our local urgent care. It helped me immediately. Thank you so very much !!!
    0 users found this review helpful.
  • Sí, recomiendo
    Reviewed 5 years ago
    0 users found this review helpful.
  • Sí, recomiendo
    Rosa Betancourt
    Reviewed 5 years ago
    Excellent and efective for cold,sore throat and body pain
    0 users found this review helpful.
  • Sí, recomiendo
    Crystal Graham
    Reviewed 5 years ago
    Worked as good as any name brand. Helped knock out my cold symptoms quickly a d gave me comf
    0 users found this review helpful.
  • Sí, recomiendo
    Brenda McEntire
    Reviewed 5 years ago
    This product made my throat free of pain and also kept my nose and chest from keeping me so congested.
    0 users found this review helpful.
  • Sí, recomiendo
    Chloes Mom
    Reviewed 7 years ago

    Bye Bye Persistant Nagging Cough

    We tried multiple otc treatments for her flu/cold with a cough that would not go away. This is the only one out of three that actually relieved her cough for a good 4 to 6 hours as well as the other symptoms she was experiencing.
    0 users found this review helpful.
Página 9 de 9

Details for CVS Health Maximum Strength Adult Cold, Flu & Sore Throat Liquid, 6 OZ

ProblemaGripe y resfriado
Ingrediente claveAcetaminophen
Tipo de productoTratamientos para el resfriado y la gripe
Cantidad1-20 oz
SíntomaCold & flu symptoms