Heartburn Medicine
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Heartburn Medicine
Relieve occasional heartburn and reflux symptoms with CVS Pharmacy's range of heartburn medicines. These antacids and acid reducers help soothe excess stomach acid and decrease indigestion to keep you comfortable after large meals and other heartburn triggers.
Always take heartburn medication as indicated on the packaging. Try to avoid taking more than the recommended dose and be weary of any potential side effects. These products should help to reduce acid levels in the stomach so you can get relief. Certain products can treat frequent heartburn that occurs two or more times per week, and they typically contain a higher dose of medication. For casual heartburn sufferers, antacids are recommended. No matter what, if your heartburn continues for longer than two weeks even with the help of heartburn relief products, talk to your doctor as soon as possible. You may need to make dietary changes or lifestyle changes like quitting smoking before you see results.
¿Qué es la acidez estomacal?
Heartburn is a common condition that can cause pain and indigestion. If you're looking for effective heartburn relief, there are many different products available to try. Whether you consider your heartburn to be mild or severe, it's important to treat the symptoms of heartburn as soon as they start. Read on to learn more about a few heartburn treatment products available today so you can decide which one is right for you.
What Does Heartburn Feel Like?
Heartburn can be extremely uncomfortable and even painful. It typically feels like a burning sensation in your chest near the center and behind the breastbone. Some people mistake heartburn for a heart attack since it can also cause feelings of tightness in the chest. You may also feel pain in your chest whenever you bend over or lay down. Other heartburn symptoms include a burning feeling in the throat, difficulty swallowing, and a salty or acidic taste in your mouth and throat.
What Causes Heartburn?
Heartburn occurs when stomach acid backs up into the esophagus. This causes a painful, burning sensation that results from the stomach acid leaking up and into the esophagus through the lower esophageal sphincter, a valve between the stomach and esophagus. If it does not tighten properly, stomach acid can flow back up, resulting in heartburn and acid reflux. There are many habits that can cause heartburn or make your symptoms worse. Some of the most common causes include smoking, lying down after eating, obesity, or eating spicy foods. Some medications may also trigger heartburn including simple pain medications like aspirin and ibuprofen. Certain sedatives and blood pressure medication can also make heartburn worse or cause it to occur.
How To Get Rid Of Heartburn
The best way to get rid of heartburn is to find an acid reflux relief product that works for you. There are also a few lifestyle changes you can make such as quitting smoking, reducing your consumption of spicy foods, and knowing/avoiding heartburn triggers. Never lie down directly after eating and try to chew your food as thoroughly as possible between bites. If you're overweight, try to lose some weight to help lessen your symptoms. If your heartburn is still frequent or painful, talk to your doctor right away.
What Is the Best Medicine for Heartburn?
Several types of over-the-counter heartburn medicines are available, and their effects vary slightly. Some of these products include:
Proton pump inhibitors
Antacids are the most well-known product for heartburn. These liquids, pills and powders work rapidly by neutralizing some of your stomach acid, making them one of the best heartburn medicines to try first if you need immediate relief. They may also be a better option for occasional heartburn and reflux, as the effect is temporary and side effects are usually minimal. Antihistamines, such as famotidine, decrease the amount of acid your stomach produces. These products take longer to begin working than antacids but provide lasting relief, and you don't need to take them as often. They shouldn't be used for longer than 2 weeks, however, except under the guidance of your doctor.
Proton pump inhibitors, such as Nexium and omeprazole, also reduce stomach acid production. These medications provide long-lasting relief of heartburn, ulcers, gastritis and reflux. They may also improve healing by keeping excess acid out of your throat.
What To Do When Heartburn Medicine Doesn’t Work
Heartburn is usually temporary, and popular products, such as Prilosec or Pepto Bismol can provide effective relief, letting you sleep comfortably and enjoy meals. See your doctor if your symptoms last longer than a few days or if medications don't improve your comfort. Chronic heartburn may indicate the presence of an ulcer or other condition that your physician can treat to let you return to your regular diet and lifestyle.
How To Stop Heartburn Without Medicine
If you experience mild heartburn frequently, and your doctor has ruled out serious causes, the occasional use of antacids and acid reducers can help soothe symptoms. There are also lifestyle changes you can try to reduce your reliance on medication, however, including not sleeping or lying down immediately after eating, losing weight, limiting your intake of alcohol and fatty foods, quitting smoking and reducing your consumption of fizzy drinks.
Another option is to try a ginger root supplement. Ginger may help calm indigestion and stomach irritation. It also might help prevent stomach acid from reaching your throat as readily by reducing the intensity and frequency of your stomach's contractions.
Does CVS Sell Heartburn Medicine?
Yes, CVS sells a variety of Heartburn Medicine in stores and online.
Is Heartburn Medicine Available For Same Day Pickup?
Yes Heartburn Medicine is available for same day pickup at most locations, check your local stores availability and add to cart to pick up today.
Is There An Age Limit To Purchase Heartburn Medicine?
No there is no age limit to purchase Heartburn Medicine.
What Are The Shipping Options For Heartburn Medicine?
All orders containing Heartburn Medicine over $35 can be shipped for free and arrive in 1-4 days.