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Whether you're a dog or cat owner, keeping your pet clean is always a bit of a challenge. With pet grooming products, you can help to ensure the health of your pet by doing a few simple routines. From dog shampoo to brushes and flea treatments, pet grooming products will ensure that your furry friend is happy, clean, and healthy for a long time to come.
Pet Grooming Supplies For Dogs
While cats generally groom themselves, dogs might need some help in this department. You can keep your dog's coat clean and shiny with regular brushings between shampoos. Check your dog's fur for ticks and fleas as you brush and comb their coat weekly if they have a shorter coat, and daily if it's longer. Use a quality brush that feels comfortable for your dog. A slicker brush is excellent to remove tangles. Follow this up with a bristle brush to keep their coat shiny and free from irritation. As you brush, pay attention to their tail and feet, too.
Pet Shampoo For Grooming
Baths are an important part of good pet grooming, so make sure you choose a product that will get the job done right. Look for pet shampoos that won't irritate your pet's eyes. A clean scent is nice, but most animals will probably prefer that you use something unscented. You can wash your canine companion in the bathtub or apply shampoo to their coat and rinse them clean outside with a garden hose. Some cats actually enjoy baths, but most will probably resist the idea. Depending on your cat, you may be able to give them a quick bath, with cat shampoo every once in a while.
Pet Grooming Tips
To keep your pets healthy, there are a few other pet grooming tips you should follow on a regular basis, including:
Apply a flea and tick prevention product to your pet's coat regularly, especially if you live in an area prone to these pets.
Use treats that are great for your pet's teeth to help remove the buildup of plaque and germs. You can also utilize a flea collar as an alternative. You can find these products for both cats and dogs.
Disposable pet wipes are a wonderful alternative to keep your pet's coat clean when you can't wash them using soap and water.
Follow the advice of your veterinarian when it comes to flea and tick treatment since some pets will require a prescription to keep them pest-free.
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