Customer reviews for Invisalign Aligner Cleaning Foam, 1.85 OZ

Invisalign Aligner Cleaning Foam, 1.85 OZ
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La calificación promedio es de 4.5 de 5 estrellas con 21 comentarios
21 comentarios
100% recomendamos

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Value De 5
Meets expectationsDe 5
Quality De 5
17-21 de 21 reviews
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  • Sí, recomiendo
    Reseñado Hace 5 años
    Have used Invisalign for just over 12 weeks so far. This product recommended to me by another Invisalign user. It works very well, and CVS offers the best price (so long as you can find it in stock).... I happen to go thru about one bottle every six weeks, soaking my aligners in the product each morning.
    1 users found this review helpful.
  • Sí, recomiendo
    Reseñado Hace 5 años
    it keeps my invisalign's clean and my teeth white. CVS has the best price that i have found
    0 users found this review helpful.
  • Sí, recomiendo
    Reseñado Hace 5 años
    0 users found this review helpful.
  • Sí, recomiendo
    Reseñado Hace 5 años
    Excellent product Been wearing retainers for 6 weeks now. I use this product constantly to keep my retainer and teeth bacteria free. My teeth are so much whiter now
    0 users found this review helpful.
  • Sí, recomiendo
    Reseñado Hace 5 años
    I’d been wearing aligners weekly for about 30 weeks; after day 4 of the aligners they’d start to smell and go yellow even though I’d rinsed them. I found this product in the USA and there’s been no nasty smells and it stops about 80% of the yellow gunk. Plus whitens.
    0 users found this review helpful.
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Details for Invisalign Aligner Cleaning Foam, 1.85 OZ

ProblemaSalud bucal
Tipo de productoCuidado bucal
Cantidad1-20 oz