Solución salina para lentes de contacto

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Cuidado de lentes de contacto

It is important to know how to take care of lentes de contacto properly. You should always follow proper contact lens care so that your contacts remain sanitary. Contacts that haven't been cared for properly are generally less comfortable to wear. Moreover, if your contacts become contaminated, it could lead to a serious eye infection, so it is very important to follow proper procedures. There are a few basic products that you will need in order to keep your contacts clean and in good condition: contact lens solution and a contact lens case.

Contact Solution

So, what is contact solution? There are different types of contact solution, but the most widely used type is multipurpose contact lens solution. Multipurpose contact lens solution is appropriate for use on soft contact lenses. You can use multipurpose contact lens solution to clean, rinse, disinfect, and store your soft contact lenses.

If you use hard contact lenses or wear a special type of contact, you should talk to your doctor about which type of contact lens cleaner is best for you to use. In fact, it is always best to discuss your contact lens cleaning routine with your doctor. You also shouldn't make any changes to your current regimen before checking in with your doctor. Not all contact lens solutions are compatible with all lenses, and some people may have allergies or sensitivities to certain ingredients. Your doctor is best suited to giving you advice.

While multipurpose contact solution is the type most often used by consumers because it is easy to use and works as an all-in-one solution, there are some other contact solutions on the market, including saline solution, hydrogen-peroxide solution, and daily cleaners. None of these products are all-in-one solutions, so if you choose to use them, you will need to purchase multiple products to make sure that you are properly cleaning, rinsing, disinfecting, and storing your contacts. Saline solution for contacts is intended only for rinsing your lenses – it is not appropriate for disinfecting contact lenses. Saline solution is often used to rinse your lenses prior to reinsertion after using an alternative cleaning and disinfecting method, such as a hydrogen-peroxide based solution. There are risks associated with using a hydrogen-peroxide based solution, so be sure to discuss it thoroughly with your doctor before using one. Daily contact lens cleaner, or contact cleaning solution, is another product you may see. Daily contact lens cleaner or contact lens protein remover is used to clean your contacts of dirt, built-up protein, and debris, but it does not disinfect – meaning it does not kill the germs that settle on your lenses throughout the day. You will need to use an additional disinfecting solution to keep your lenses sanitary and you will need to rinse your lenses with a saline or multipurpose solution before reinserting them into your eyes. You may also see enzymatic protein removers, which are available to help clean off protein that your eyes deposit on certain types of contact lenses over a period of time. You should not use an enzymatic protein remover unless instructed to do so by your doctor.

Contact Lens Case

In addition to contact solution, you will also need a contact lens case in which to store your lenses while they are not in your eyes. You should clean your contact case regularly. But how to clean your contact lens case, you ask? It's simple! You can clean your contact case by rinsing it with a bit of fresh multipurpose contact lens solution and letting it air dry. It is also a good idea to replace your lens case every three to six months. This doesn't need to be expensive or difficult. Contact lens cases are widely available from retailers like CVS. In fact, many contact lens cases are available in value packs of two or more, and in many cases, a contact lenses case is included right in the box when you purchase a new contact lens solution.

Rewetting Drops

Rewetting drops are not a necessary part of your contact lens care routine, but they can make wearing contacts more comfortable. Rewetting drops are designed keep your contacts properly lubricated throughout the day, so that they won't start to feel gummy, sticky, or otherwise uncomfortable. It is recommended that you try to use rewetting drops before the dryness sets in. This is because a dry contact lens attracts deposits more easily and may get dirty and uncomfortable enough to necessitate removal, cleansing, and reinsertion. If you know you will be doing an activity where you are less likely to blink frequently, such as working at a computer all day or playing a video game, consider using contact rewetting drops periodically to help keep your contacts properly lubricated. You can use rewetting drops as frequently as you would like to throughout the day. But remember – rewetting drops are only appropriate for lubrication; you can’t use them to clean, disinfect, or store your contact lenses.

There are many contact lens solution brands to choose from. No matter which products you choose, it is important to follow directions for proper use. If you experience any adverse effects, call your eye doctor right away, because you could have an infection. Other reasons for irritated eyes in contact wearers include dry eye and an allergy or sensitivity to one of the ingredients in your contact lens solution. Your doctor can recommend eye drops for dry eyes. If it turns out that you are sensitive to your contact lens solution, you may want to try a different contact solution brand, or your doctor may recommend that you use a preservative free contact lens solution. Even with proper contact lens care, you may find that you are experiencing discomfort. A good rule of thumb is that if you find you are having problems with your eyes and are a contact lens wearer, you should make an appointment with your doctor promptly for evaluation and treatment.

Does CVS Sell Contact Solutions?

Yes, CVS sells a variety of Contact Solutions in stores and online.

What Is Contact Solution?

Contact solution is a liquid that is formulated to help clean your contact lenses, and it should be part of a good contact care lens care plan. A multipurpose lens cleaning solution can be used on soft contact lenses, and it may be used to safely store your contacts until you're ready to insert them. Make sure you choose a contact solution that is appropriate for your specific type of contact lenses to prevent damage. CVS Health Multi-Purpose Solution for Soft Contact Lenses is a good choice if that's the type of contacts you currently have.

What is Contact Solution Made Of?

Contact solution is made of a variety of ingredients, including a disinfectant to remove germs and bacteria that may cause an infection. The product also contains a preservative to help keep your lenses fresh and effective for longer. Many contact lens cleaning solution products also contain surfactants that help to remove buildup on your lenses while removing sediment that could scratch the surface. Finally, contact solution contains a wetting solution that helps release moisture throughout the day to help your eyes stay hydrated.

How To Clean Contacts

To start, you should wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap and water, and then dry your hands with a lint-free towel. If you are using a multipurpose contact lens solution, place one contact lens in the palm of your hand and squirt a generous amount of the solution into your palm. Even if you use a "no rub" solution, the FDA recommends gently running the lens against your palm using a back-and-forth motion. Once you've done this, you should squirt some more solution into your hand to rinse away any debris. Finally, place your lens in a clean lens case filled with fresh multipurpose contact lens solution, and repeat the whole process with your other lens. It is important to properly rinse, clean, and disinfect your contacts to avoid potentially serious eye infections. You should discuss how to properly clean your contacts with your doctor, and don't be afraid to ask questions or talk about any concerns you may have. It is also important to know that if you do not use multipurpose contact solution, your lens care routine may involve additional products and steps. It is important that you always follow your doctor's instructions exactly.

Can You Use Contact Solution as Eye Drops?

Contact lens solution is typically made with saline, which is safe for the eyes. However, solutions also contain cleaning and disinfecting agents that aren't intended for direct application. Common contact solution ingredients include:

  • Boric acid 

  • Peróxido de hidrógeno

  • Propylene glycol 

  • Polyquaternium 

To moisten and refresh contact lenses during wear, opt for rewetting drops to help clear minor irritation. If you're looking to care for dry, red or allergy eyes, use special drops formulated just for your eyes instead of your contact lenses. 

Does Contact Solution Expire?

Yes, contact lens solution has an expiration date. This date, determined by detailed FDA testing, represents the amount of time your care solution is able to maintain its potency and function.

When contact lens solution is past the expiration date, the pH level of the solution changes. That means it may no longer clean your lenses safely or effectively. An expired lens solution is more likely to be contaminated with bacteria and impurities, and it should be replaced with a fresh bottle to avoid eye infections or damage to your vision.

You can find the expiration date of your contact solution printed on the bottle. Todo packaged contact lenses have a printed expiration date as well. 

What Is the Best Contact Solution?

There's no one-size-fits-all contact solution for everyone. The best contact solution for you depends on what kind of contacts you wear and your personal experience with the solution ingredients.

The CVS online store offers a wide range of contact lens solutions to care for soft contact lenses, rigid gas-permeable contact lenses and specialized contact lenses. When shopping for lens care, ask your eye care professional which contact solution is right for you. They may recommend a hydrogen peroxide solution, a preservative-free solution or a multipurpose solution, such as Bausch+ Lomb's Biotrue Hydration Plus

Does CVS Deliver Contact Solution?

Yes, CVS offers free fast shipping on Contact Solution orders over $35. Most orders are delivered within 1-4 days.

Is Contact Solution Available For Same Day Pickup?

Contact Solutions are available for same day pickup at most locations, check your local stores availability and add to cart to pick up today.