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Fussy, sick and colicky babies can mentally and physically exhaust parents. You just want your little one to feel better, calm down and get the rest necessary to help reset his or her little body. Because infants cannot have traditional over-the-counter medications to soothe their aches and colds, parents turn to specially formulated baby supplements.

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One such item is gripe water--an over-the-counter liquid supplement that is thought to help soothe gas pains, stomach problems, teething pain and even colic, among other ailments. Gripe water is a liquid herbal remedy containing a mixture of different herbs, usually including fennel, dill, ginger, chamomile, licorice, canela and lemon balm, among others. A lot of gripe water formulas can also include sodium bicarbonate, otherwise known as baking soda. Gripe water with baking soda should not be given to infants with colic because the alkalinity can worsen symptoms, unless prescribed by your doctor.

What Is Gripe Water?

When looking at the ingredient list, you should steer clear of gripe water formulas that include alcohol, sugar and artificial flavors and only use gripe water that's designed specifically for babies. Gluten and dairy are other ingredients to typically avoid in gripe water. It is recommended to give gripe water by itself, not mixed with breast milk or fórmula para bebé to avoid any unintended interactions. Be sure to watch your child for any sign of allergic reaction to the gripe water if this is your first time using it.

Best Gripe Water For Babies

While most gripe water is generally safe for children, it is important to always check with your pediatrician before giving it to your child. While it can be a popular remedy, there have been no definitive studies done that show its effectiveness in easing stomach pain or reducing colic symptoms.

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