Customer reviews for Pampers Swaddlers Diapers

Pampers Swaddlers - Pañales
92.4¢ c/u
Los precios en línea puede ser diferentes a los precios en tiendas
Tamaño:Talla 4
Count:22 u.

Cómo conseguirlo

  • Sí, recomiendo
    Reviewed 1 month ago
    Valor De 5
    Cumple mis expectativasDe 5
    Calidad De 5
    0 users found this review helpful.
  • Sí, recomiendo
    Reviewed 2 months ago
    Valor De 5
    Cumple mis expectativasDe 5
    Calidad De 5
    0 users found this review helpful.
  • Aliyah Arvizu
    Reviewed 2 months ago
    AbsorciónDe 5

    Extreme Rashes

    These diapers overall fit my 10 month old good, but there is a huge downside to them the texture makes my baby's butt get horrible rashes to the point where she bleeds. I have switched from other brands back to pampers , I consistently change her diaper and she will still get huge rashes. I do not recommend on sensitive skin. We will most likely stop using pampers unfortunately.
    0 users found this review helpful.
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  • Allyson
    Reviewed 2 months ago
    AbsorciónDe 5


    Every single pampers diaper that my baby has pooped in has been a blow out. It's starting to get ridiculous! Every single day i have to wash my whole baby and change her clothes every time she poops. Why doesnt the poop stay in. I never had this problem with huggies or any other brand I have used.
    0 users found this review helpful.
    Originally posted on
  • Boopalan
    Reviewed 2 months ago
    AbsorciónDe 5

    Pampers all round protection not good

    I recently purchased the pampers all round diaper and it's waste of money and lots of leaking and it's gives very bad odour. Overnight doesn't work and it had leaking all over the blanket and I would not strongly recommend this to babies…
    0 users found this review helpful.
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  • Ashley
    Reviewed 2 months ago
    AbsorciónDe 5

    Pamper diapers

    My two month old is constantly having a rash and leaks through within a hour she usually never gets a rash but I just box another box and the rash just keeps getting worse with this brand new!
    0 users found this review helpful.
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  • Victoriaandscott
    Reviewed 2 months ago
    AbsorciónDe 5

    Love Pampers

    I have used Pampers for 15 years with 6 babies and in that 15 years they have made a lot of improvements and different styles of diapers I love the Pampers 360 for my 2-year-old twins love how easy they are to take off and on while we try to potty train and they don't leak overnight and Pampers swaddles for my newborn I love how they have a cut out for the umbilical cord and they are super soft for my newborn's delicate skin. I recommend 10 out of 10 there is a pamper diaper for all stages.
    0 users found this review helpful.
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  • Reviewed 3 months ago
    AbsorciónDe 5


    Left rash on my girlfriend's baby's butt misinformation no rashes he 8 months old
    0 users found this review helpful.
    Originally posted on
Página 2 de 6868

Details for Pampers Swaddlers Diapers

ProblemaPersonal hygiene
Tipo de productoBaby diapers
Cantidad11-20 u.
Tipo de pielNormal