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select Tampax®, Always®, U by Kotex® and Playtex® feminine care products.*
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Feminine Care Products

Feminine care is an important part of your daily routine, and at CVS Pharmacy, you'll find a wide range of feminine care products to help you feel your best. When you're looking for feminine care products, choose items that help you feel clean and protected all day. From maxi pads and pantiliners to tampons, we offer a large selection of items by some of the nation's best brands including Tampax, Kotex, Always, and more. You can also find feminine sprays and wipes, and conception and fertility support products at CVS online or in stores.

What Is Feminine Care?

Embracing your femininity and all the joys and stresses that accompany it includes the self-care required to feel your best throughout all stages of life and your cycle. Feminine care can include the hygienic products you choose that help keep you feeling fresh and clean, such as menstrual pads, pantiliners, tampons, and menstrual cups. Women's health products such as douches, feminine cleansing washes, yeast infection treatments, and urinary pain relief products are all part of your feminine care as well and can be found at your local CVS or delivered directly to your door with CarePass offering free shipping.

How Often Should I Change My Pad?

A pad is meant to absorb blood, vaginal mucus, and any other materials that your body may discharge during periods. Depending on how heavy your menstrual flow is, you may need to change the pad every 4 hours or as needed until your flow stabilizes. During the time in which your flow is the heaviest, you may need to change your pad more frequently, such as every 2 - 3 hours. This will vary depending on each person.

What Is The Purpose of Panty Liners?

Panty liners are thin, absorbent pieces of material that adhere to the inner lining of the underwear. The panty liner acts as a barrier against a variety of vaginal discharge types, including small amounts of menstrual blood.

What Is The Purpose of Tampons?

Tampons are designed to absorb menstrual blood from within the vagina. Tampons are made of absorbent material pressed tightly into a small cylinder shape. Some tampons may have applicators for insertion but can also be utilized manually with your hand. Explore different types of tampons like sport tampons.

How To Help With Period Cramps

Menstrual cramps may occur before or during the time of the menstrual cycle. These cramps may be felt in the lower belly or back and may vary from mild to severe. A pain reliever such as ibuprofeno may help with the pain relief. The application of heat may also help such as a almohadilla térmica placed on the lower back or stomach.

Can You Get Your Period Twice in One Month?

During some months, your menstrual cycle may last longer or be shorter than the previous month, or it may start earlier or later than expected. If your cycle is on the shorter end of the spectrum, you may have your period at the beginning and at the end of the same month, which is not typically a reason for concern. It is important to determine if you are experiencing spotting or a normal menstrual cycle as some vaginal bleeding may be caused by a more serious health problem. Consult with your doctor if you are unsure or if you have any additional questions.

What Causes Heavy Periods?

It is common for women to experience heavy flow days and cramps when they have their period. However, if you are experiencing a menstrual cycle with heavy flow for a prolonged length of time, this may be a result of a condition known as Menorrhagia or other underlying health problems. If you notice that you soak through a pad or tampon every hour or so on a regular basis, consult with your doctor.

Why Do I Experience Spotting After My Period?

If you notice that after your period, you still see a few spots, you're not alone. Women may experience spotting between their periods. Make an appointment with your doctor if the spotting concerns you or if you experience spotting with other symptoms such as pain in your lower abdomen, fever, if symptoms get worse, or if you have vaginal bleeding after you've gone through menopause.

What Does “pH-Balanced” Mean?

The pH level of a vagina is important to understand to determine the person's health. pH is the measurement of how acidic or alkaline a substance may be. This scale runs from 0 to 14. A normal pH level may vary depending on the person's stage of life. A moderately acidic vaginal environment relates to protection against unhealthy bacteria and yeast that may multiply too quickly, causing infection. pH balanced feminine care products like boric acid suppositories are designed not to disrupt the vagina’s natural pH balance.

Feminine Care Tips

Here are some helpful feminine care tips:

  • Eat a healthy diet that includes foods rich in probiotics like yogurt to help you maintain a healthy balance of good bacteria.

  • Never re-use towels as they may spread bacteria. Desechable feminine wipes are a good alternative.

  • If you're feeling unwell before your period, try an over-the-counter medication specially formulated to treat the symptoms of PMS.

  • Change sanitary pads every few hours, and more often if you experience heavy flow.

  • Wear loose, breathable clothing to help you stay fresh and dry throughout the day.

  • Always practice safe sex.

  • When using wipes, be sure to wipe from the front to the back and not the other way around.

Conozca más sobre vaginal health and what's safe for down there!

Feminine Hygiene Care

Every woman has different needs when it comes to personal care, but there are some basic feminine hygiene care tips that everyone should follow. Always choose products that you feel comfortable with, and make sure you have ample period protection on hand just in case you need it. Avoid washing the vaginal area with fragranced products as they may cause irritation or encourage bacterial growth. Keep the area clean and dry to help you stay fresh throughout the day. If you're ever concerned about your feminine health or hygiene, talk to a trusted medical professional. They can make recommendations and help you determine what might be causing the issues you are experiencing. Shop the selection of feminine hygiene care products at CVS Pharmacy so that you can always feel your best you.

Redujimos los precios de productos para el período menstrual marca CVS Health en un 25%* en algunas tiendas CVS Pharmacy centrales. Shop for: cvs health tampons, cvs health pads, cvs health pantyliners, y cvs health pantyliners.

Búsquedas relacionadas

fsa feminine careu by kotex vagisil tampax vh essentials yeast infection cream, disposable period cup, reusable period cup

*PARA ENTREGA DE PEDIDO EL MISMO DÍA: la entrega el mismo día está disponible en solo tres horas para pedidos minoristas y direcciones elegibles. El mínimo total de pedido requerido para entrega el mismo día se verá al pagar. Los pedidos se deben realizar cuatro horas antes del horario de cierre de la tienda o antes de las 8 p. m. para las tiendas abiertas las 24 horas. Si realiza su pedido fuera de estos horarios, lo entregaremos al día siguiente. Algunos pedidos pueden no ser elegibles para entrega el mismo día debido a la dirección de entrega, días festivos, clima u otras restricciones de entrega. No es necesario que los clientes estén presentes para las entregas. El período de entrega es solo un estimado y podría estar sujeto a demoras. La entrega no está disponible en todas las ubicaciones, incluso Puerto Rico o Hawái. CVS® se reserva el derecho de limitar la cantidad de artículos pedidos para recoger el mismo día. Cuando nuestro socio de servicio de mensajería de confianza haya recogido su pedido, recibirá un correo electrónico con el mensaje "your order is on the way" (su pedido está en camino) (diferente del correo electrónico de confirmación de su pedido). Después de que su pedido haya sido entregado, enviaremos un correo electrónico con el mensaje "your order has been delivered" (su pedido ha sido entregado).

*FOR PERIOD PRODUCT PRICE REDUCTION: Qualifying period products include CVS Health® y Live Better by CVS Health brand tampons, menstrual pads, liners and cups at core CVS Pharmacy® locations. 25% reduction is based on the regular retail price as of dates on or before October 13, 2022, and will not reflect promotions or sales. Visite para más información.