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Quit Smoking With Helpful Smoking Cessation Aids
If you want to quit smoking, store-bought products can help you achieve your goals. Find everything from patches to gum and lozenges when you shop at CVS.
Stop Smoking Products
When it's time to kick your nicotine habit, the solution may be just a few clicks away. A variety of stop-smoking aids are on the market. Many, such as chicle de nicotina, sprays, lozenges and patches, may support your desire to quit by easing withdrawal symptoms.
These products focus on nicotine replacement therapy. They give you small doses of nicotine to help curb cravings and make stepping away from cigarettes more comfortable for you. They don't contain other harmful chemicals often found in tobacco, acting as a bridge between your habit and a life free of smoke.
Stop Smoking Aids and Support
When you want to quit smoking, products can pave the way for a tobacco-free future. But you're likely to get the best results by pairing your favorite products with other means of support.
Whether you suck on lozenges or try out a parche de nicotina, your NRT products should be used in tandem with a quit-smoking plan. Consider lifestyle changes such as:
Avoiding triggers
Distracting yourself with a new hobby or exercise routine
Creating a reward system to celebrate reaching smoke-free milestones
Using workouts, yoga and meditation to reduce stress
The combination of gradual yet impactful behavioral changes and a handy aid, such as nicotine patches, could be just what you need to ditch the habit for good. You can also find support groups or download an app designed to assist in smoking cessation. Seeing how your health improves with every smoke-free day can be inspiring.
Quit-Smoking Medications
Quit-smoking medications, such as sprays, lozenges and patches, are available over the counter. That means you can buy them online without a prescription.
Prescription smoking-cessation medications are also available to help you manage cravings and withdrawal symptoms. These medications differ from the OTC options above and must be prescribed by a doctor who's familiar with your needs, background and goals.
As with most medications, using nicotine replacement therapy and pills comes with pros and cons. On one hand, they may give you the willpower needed to avoid tobacco and reach your goal of being completely smoke-free. Many products are easy to use, and you can rely on them as needed, such as if you get a craving before a stressful presentation at work. But they have some side effects, and some people may become reliant on the replacement nicotine over time.
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- Todo el contenido, incluyendo pero sin limitarse a, información sobre salud y bienestar, que se proporciona aquí tiene fines únicamente educativos. Se proporciona "en la manera en que se encuentra" y, de tal modo, la precisión del mismo no está garantizada. Dicho contenido tiene la intención de complementar, no sustituir, el diagnóstico, tratamiento y consejos de un profesional de la salud. Dicho contenido no cubre todos los efectos secundarios posibles de ningún programa dietético o de ejercicios nuevo o distinto. Consulte a un profesional de la salud para que le asesore antes de cambiar o asumir un nuevo programa de salud o de ejercicios. Consultar a un profesional de la salud por adelantado es especialmente importante si usted es menor de dieciocho (18) años, está ambarazada o en período de lactancia o si tiene problemas de salud. ¡Nunca ignore los consejos profesionales del médico o demore en buscar atención médica debido a lo que leyó en este sitio web!
- Si tiene restricciones dietéticas o alergias, lea siempre atentamente la lista de ingredientes para ver todos los productos antes de consumirlos. Los alérgenos y sus derivados pueden tener varios nombres y pueden estar presentes en algunas marcas de alimentos pero en otras no. Si el producto no presenta una lista de ingredientes, consulte al fabricante o no consuma el producto. Si tiene alergia a algún alimento, hable con su profesional de la salud o dietista registrado para obtener una lista completa de los alimentos y derivados que debe evitar antes de seguir cualquier sugerencia. Ni el autor, ni la editorial, ni Triad Digital Media, LLC d/b/a Triad Retail Media asumen ninguna responsabilidad por errores, omisiones o interpretaciones equívocas del contenido que incluye.