Aceite de semilla de linaza
Discover the Many Health Benefits of Flaxseed Oil
The health supporting benefits of flaxseed oil are derived from the flowering plant known as common flax or linseed. Flax is one of the world's oldest crops, grown for food and fiber.
What Are Flax Seeds?
These tiny, nutritious seeds can be brown or golden and are packed with vitaminas and minerals. They feature a nutty flavor and crunchy texture.
Flax seeds are high in fiber, protein and a heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid. They're available in many forms, including whole, crushed and powdered. Many people enjoy adding a few tablespoons of Spectrum Essentials Cold Milled Organic Ground Premium Flax Seed to baked goods, cereals, smoothies and yogurt.
Flaxseed contains soluble and insoluble fiber, both important for gut health and bowel regularity. Soluble fiber slows digestion and increases satiety, which is helpful for those on weight-loss programs. Insoluble fiber helps prevent constipation by adding bulk to the stool.
What Is Flaxseed Oil Good For?
Flax seeds are ground and pressed to release their natural oil and then sold in liquid and capsule form. One tablespoon of flaxseed oil contains 7,196mg of omega-3 fatty acids. Essential omega-3s are associated with:
Improved heart health
Menor presión arterial
Reduced inflammation
Increased elasticity of the arteries
Use this mild, versatile oil in salad dressings and sauces, or add it to your morning batido de proteínas. Flaxseed oil can also be used as a skin moisturizer or hair mask for lustrous shine.
Flaxseed oil capsules are a convenient way to get the same health benefits. CVS Health Herbal Flaxseed Oil 1000mg Softgels make daily dosing easy. Nature's Bounty Flaxseed Oil Softgels 1200mg support cardiovascular health with rapid-release capsules.
How Quickly Does Flaxseed Oil Work?
The condition you're using flaxseed for determines how quickly you see results. Consider the following study findings when addressing various health concerns.
Alivio de la constipación: When combined with sufficient water intake, flaxseed typically supports looser stools within 12 to 24 hours.
Lower presión arterial: One tablespoon of flaxseed oil for 12 weeks was more effective than a similar dose of safflower oil.
Enhanced skin health: After 12 weeks, women who supplemented with flaxseed oil showed smoother, more hydrated skin with decreased irritation.
Are There Negative Side Effects Of Flaxseed Oil?
When assessing the benefits of flaxseed oil, it's important to understand the possible negative reactions and drug interactions. Too-high doses may cause flaxseed oil side effects, such as diarrhea, bloating, gases and nausea.
This supplement can also interact with other medications or herbal products you may be using. Always consult with your medical provider if you’re taking anticoagulant, anti-platelet, blood pressure or diabetes drugs.