Pre-treatment survey
Based on your symptoms, we can help you decide on your next steps for treatment.
Para síntomas graves
Busque asistencia médica de emergencia en caso de tener síntomas graves como:
- Dolor o presión en el pecho
- Alteración mental o confusión
- Incapacidad de despertar o mantenerse despierto
- Piel, labios o lecho ungueal de color pálido, gris o azul (dependiendo del tono de piel)
Need to go back?
Return to the previous page to learn more about treatment for COVID-19 or flu.
You may be in need of emergency care
If your symptoms are severe, please seek emergency medical care.
Need to go back?
Return to the previous page to learn more about treatment for COVID-19 or flu.
You may need to be treated for COVID-19
Check to see if you’re eligible for COVID-19 treatment.
Need to go back?
Return to the previous page to learn more about treatment for COVID-19 or flu.
You may need to be treated for flu
Check to see if you’re eligible for flu treatment.
Need to go back?
Return to the previous page to learn more about treatment for COVID-19 or flu.
Please contact your primary care or MinuteClinic® provider
Your health care provider can help you find the right treatment option for you.
Need to go back?
Return to the previous page to learn more about treatment for COVID-19 or flu.
We recommend getting a test
An over-the-counter (OTC) or in-person test might help determine which treatment you may need.
Need to go back?
Return to the previous page to learn more about treatment for COVID-19 or flu.
How would you describe your flu or COVID symptoms?
Do you have any known recent exposure to someone with flu or COVID-19?
Have you tested positive for COVID-19 or flu in the last 48 hours?
Please select an answer to this question to continue.