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Extracción de acrocordones

Most skin tags are harmless and do not need to be treated, but you should always have skin tags evaluated if you're not sure what your skin lesion is or if it's irritated and painful.

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Looking for info about skin tag removal? Here are the basics and how to get help.

¿Qué son los acrocordones?

Los acrocordones son pequeñas protuberancias que generalmente tienen el color de la piel. They appear individually or in clusters and can be found anywhere on the body, commonly occurring in body folds like on the neck or on the eyelids. Skin tags can range in size from a few millimeters to up to half an inch, and they can vary in texture and color. Most skin tags are harmless, but you might want a skin tag removed if it is irritating or causing discomfort. You might also want it removed for cosmetic reasons.


Getting help

A board-certified provider will assess your condition and offer skin tag removal if appropriate. However, a MinuteClinic provider can't remove skin tags on the genitals or other sensitive areas, including the face. For larger skin tags, the provider may refer you to a specialist.


1. Prior to scheduling your appointment, you may have to answer a few questions to help us prepare for your visit.

2. Check-in varies depending on how you scheduled your appointment.

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Regístrese con el correo electrónico o mensaje de texto que le enviamos para confirmar su cita. Si prefiere registrarse en el quiosco electrónico, asegúrese de tener su código de confirmación.

Si hizo su cita en la clínica:
Inicie sesión en el quiosco electrónico.

3. When it's time for your appointment, a provider will call your name.

4. Your provider will conduct a thorough examination based on your reason for visit, presenting symptoms and health history. Los cargos dependerán del examen y los servicios prestados durante la visita.

5. At the end of your visit, you are provided with a visit summary, a receipt and educational material about your diagnosis. Si usted lo solicita, podemos enviarle información sobre su consulta a su profesional de la salud de cabecera.

Skin tag causes and removal

Vivir con acrocordones incómodos o antiestéticos no tiene por qué ser su realidad. Si está pensando en extraerse un acrocordón o desea que lo atiendan por otra afección dermatológica, programe una consulta en persona en su MinuteClinic local para averiguar qué opciones tiene disponibles.

Skin tags usually occur in sites of friction, particularly the armpit, neck, below or under the breasts, and in the lowest folds of the abdomen, near the groin. They become symptomatic and bothersome for many patients when traumatized (e.g., caught on jewelry, rubbed by clothing, scratching). Risk factors for skin tags may include obesity, diabetes y la genética.

The best way to properly remove skin tags is by visiting a medical professional. Los acrocordones se irritan con facilidad y pueden sangrar mucho si no se extraen de la manera adecuada. There are different ways they can be removed. At MinuteClinic, your provider will first explain the multi-step procedure, applying safe and sterile practices, and then use surgical scissors to cut off the skin tag. Luego de una extracción, es posible que sienta algo de dolor y molestia. This typically goes away after a couple of days, with some risks, including minor bleeding or an infection.

Un punto a tener en cuenta es que la extracción de acrocordones se considera un procedimiento estético. Because of this, your health insurance may not cover skin tag removal costs, and you may need to pay the full amount out of pocket.

IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ: This material is for reference only and should not be used to determine treatment for specific medical conditions. Please visit a health care provider for evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of any symptoms you may be experiencing. If you're experiencing a medical emergency, please dial 911 or visit your local emergency department.