Allergy treatment
Allergies are caused by our body's hypersensitive reaction to substances in our environment. Below, we'll cover what you can do about your allergies and how MinuteClinic® can help you manage your allergy symptoms.
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Looking for information on allergy treatment and support? Tenemos lo que necesita.
¿Qué son las alergias?
Los síntomas de alergia aparecen cuando el sistema inmunitario detecta una sustancia que es inofensiva para la mayoría de la población pero desencadena una sobrerreacción en gente que es sensible a la misma. A esta sustancia se le llama alérgeno. Allergies can be caused by food, mold, pollen or a change of seasons.
El sistema inmunitario produce anticuerpos que están en alerta de ese alérgeno específico. Al haber otra exposición, los anticuerpos pueden desencadenar la liberación de químicos del sistema inmunitario como la histamina. This release leads to allergy symptoms.
Depending on the allergen involved, a variety of symptoms can occur, ranging from mild to severe. These symptoms can affect different parts of the body, including:
- Airways
- Digestive system
- Sinus and nasal passages
- Piel
¿Cómo se tratan las alergias?
- Allergen avoidance: Identify and avoid your allergy triggers. Evitar los alérgenos es importante cuando quiere prevenir reacciones y reducir síntomas.
- Medications: Depending on the allergy, over-the-counter or prescription medicine can reduce your immune response and ease symptoms. These medicines can be in the form of eye drops, liquid, nasal sprays or pills.
- Emergency epinephrine: If you have a severe allergy, you may always need to carry an epinephrine autoinjector. Epinephrine injections, such as from an EpiPen, can reduce symptoms until you receive emergency treatment.
Getting help
Los proveedores de MinuteClinic pueden evaluar los síntomas y ayudarle a crear un plan de tratamiento para que se sienta mejor. También puede recetarle un medicamento. If your allergies are not well controlled and you've tried treatments, a provider may recommend allergy testing or help you follow up with a specialist.
- Antes de programar su cita, debe responder algunas preguntas sobre los síntomas para ayudarnos a prepararnos para su consulta.
- The check-in process varies depending on how you scheduled your appointment:
Si hizo su cita en línea:
Regístrese con el correo electrónico o mensaje de texto que le enviamos para confirmar su cita. Si prefiere registrarse en el quiosco electrónico, asegúrese de tener su código de confirmación.
Si hizo su cita en la clínica:
Inicie sesión en el quiosco electrónico.
- When it's time for your appointment, a provider or other staff member will call your name.
- Your provider will conduct a thorough examination based on your reason for visiting, presenting symptoms and health history. Los cargos dependerán del examen y los servicios prestados durante la visita.
- Al final de su consulta, recibirá un resumen de la consulta, un recibo y material informativo sobre su diagnóstico. Si usted lo solicita, podemos enviarle información sobre su consulta a su profesional de la salud de cabecera.
Allergy causes and symptoms
Allergies occur when your immune system reacts to a foreign substance. Allergy types that can cause a reaction include the following:
- Airborne allergens, including mold, animal dander, dust mites and pollen
- Certain foods, particularly peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, milk, wheat, soy, fish and shellfish
- Insect stings from insects such as bees or wasps
- Latex or other materials can trigger an allergic skin reaction on contact
- Medications, particularly penicillin or penicillin-based antibiotics
There are many possible allergy symptoms, some of which are similar to those caused by the common cold. These include the following:
- A runny or stuffy nose and sneezing. These can be the result of an infección de las vías respiratorias superiores or allergies.
- Wheezing and shortness of breath. These are common asma traits but can also be symptoms of allergies.
- Coughing. A dry, persistent coughing may indicate allergies.
- Rash. Allergies can cause rashes, such as dermatitis, eczema and hives.
- Fatigue. If you're feeling fatiga or irritability for an unknown reason, it may be a sign of untreated allergies.
- Headaches. There are two types of headaches linked to allergies. A sinus headache is often felt as localized pain occurring over the sinuses. A migraine headache is often experienced as throbbing pain on one side of the head.
- Náuseas o vómitos. These reactions are associated with food allergies.
- Hay fever. Despite the name, you do not need to be exposed to hay to develop symptoms. Hay fever does not cause an elevated temperature.
Fatigue can be a common symptom of allergies. Your body recognizes allergens as something to fight off. This is why your sinuses get blocked, and why you may sneeze and cough. The increased immune response requires energy, which can make you feel more tired.
Another reason allergies can make you tired is that congestion and cough can make it harder to sleep. This can result in more fatigue during the day. People who take prescription or over-the-counter allergy medications may also experience fatigue as a side effect.
Allergy prevention
Preventing allergic reactions depends on the allergy type, but in general, you may try the following:
- Avoid known allergens. incluso si está tratando sus síntomas de alergia, evite los desencadenantes. Por ejemplo, si es alérgico al polen, quédese adentro con las ventanas y puertas cerradas cuando la concentración de polen sea elevada.
- Keep a diary. Take notes on what triggers or worsens allergy symptoms. Haga un seguimiento de sus actividades, lo que come y qué pareciera ayudarle.
- Wear a medical alert bracelet or necklace. si sufre una reacción grave y no puede comunicarse, otras personas pueden buscar ayuda para su alergia específica.
IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ: This material is for reference only and should not be used to determine treatment for specific medical conditions. Please visit a health care provider for evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of any symptoms you may be experiencing. If you're experiencing a medical emergency, please dial 911 or visit your local emergency department.
1Alergias via NHS. (Accessed 27th August 2024)
2Alergias via Mayo Clinic. (Accessed 27th August 2024)
3Síntomas de alergia via ACAAI. (Accessed 27th August 2024)
4Fatiga via ACAAI. (Accessed 27th August 2024)
5Are Allergies Making Me Feel Tired? via the New York Times. (Accessed 27th August 2024)