Sore & strep throat treatment
A sore throat can be caused by viral infections, acid reflux and allergies — while strep throat is an infection* caused by a group A Streptococcus bacterium.
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Think you might have a sore or strep throat? Learn about the proper treatment.
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre un dolor de garganta común y la faringitis estreptocócica?
There are several key differences between sore throat and strep throat.* Por lo general, el dolor de garganta es uno de los primeros indicadores de un resfriado. This type of sore throat usually improves or goes away after a day or two. A runny nose and congestion may follow.
Las infecciones virales que causan resfriados no responden a antibióticos. El goteo posnasal, las alergias y fumar cigarrillos también pueden causar dolor de garganta.
While viruses, allergies or irritants cause most sore throats, the Streptococcus bacteria (group A strep)* causes strep throat. Strep throat is contagious and requires antibiotic treatment.
¿Qué síntomas puede presentar si tiene dolor de garganta y faringitis estreptocócica?
Dolor de garganta
Si tiene un dolor de garganta común, puede presentar:
- Goteo nasal
- Disfonía, ronquera o la voz forzada
- Tos
- Conjuntivitis
Faringitis estreptocócica
If you have strep throat,* you might experience:
- Manchas rojas oscuras en la parte de atrás del paladar
- Fiebre
- Dolor de cabeza
- Náuseas o vómitos, especialmente en niños
- Dolor al tragar
- Erupción (escarlatina)
- Amígdalas inflamadas y coloradas, a veces con puntos blancos que contienen pus
- Ganglios linfáticos inflamados y sensibles en el cuello
- Dolor en la garganta que empeora rápidamente, sin tos
It's possible to have some of these signs and symptoms* but not have strep throat. Estos síntomas también pueden producirse por una infección viral u otra enfermedad.
Getting help
Su proveedor de MinuteClinic puede ayudarle a comprender los diferentes tratamientos para el dolor de garganta. Puede ayudarle a elegir el mejor tratamiento de acuerdo con los síntomas que presenta. They can also discuss over-the-counter medications and other options for pain relief support and comfort.
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Sore and strep throat causes
Strep throat happens when someone comes into contact with group A Streptococcus bacteria. These bacteria live in the throat and nose. Viruses, allergies or irritants cause most sore throats
Strep throat is a highly contagious bacterial infection. It can be spread in the following ways:
- Respiratory droplets: Tiny water droplets from an infected person spread strep throat. Coughing and sneezing release those droplets. Strep throat spreads when someone else breathes in the droplets.
- Direct contact: Some people have skin sores containing group A Streptococcus bacterium. You may get strep throat if you touch one of these sores or have contact with the fluid inside these sores. It can also spread if you touch the surface of something that contains droplets and then touch your mouth.
Sore and strep throat diagnosis
- Rapid strep (antigen) test: Rapid strep tests look for strep-related antigens. An antigen is a substance that causes the immune system to react. It takes about 10 to 20 minutes to get the results of a rapid test. A health care provider uses a cotton-tipped swab to collect a sample from the back of your throat.
- Throat culture: A throat culture looks for group A Streptococcus bacterium. Since it looks for infection-causing bacteria, a throat culture is slightly more accurate. It takes longer to get the results - about 24 to 48 hours. Like the rapid test, a throat culture requires a sample from the back of your throat.
Anyone who has strep throat symptoms should be screened. This includes sudden throat pain and difficulty swallowing. This is especially true for school-age children, teachers and people living in group settings. Group settings tend to have many people coming into close contact each day. This makes it easier for strep throat to spread.
Sore and strep throat treatment and management
Antibiotics are the most common treatment since strep throat is caused by bacteria. Antibiotics treat strep throat by killing the bacteria that cause the infection. Many health care providers prescribe oral antibiotics. These are antibiotics that are taken by mouth. After starting antibiotics, it takes one or two days to see an improvement. You may need to take an oral antibiotic for up to 10 days to get rid of the infection completely.
Some ways to ease your symptoms include:
- Gargling with salt water
- Increasing your fluid intake
- Sucking on soothing lozenges
Your health care provider may recommend an over-the-counter fever reducer. Running a humidifier can be helpful because dry air can cause throat irritation.
- Evite a las personas infectadas: Try not to get near them
- Evite tocarse el rostro: Avoid these areas particularly between washings
- Contenga la atomización de gotas respiratorias: Cough or sneeze into a tissue or the inner crook of your elbow
- No comparta elementos: These include eating utensils, drinking glasses and towels
- Mantenga sus manos limpias: This includes frequently washing your hands with soap and water (or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer)
- Practique buenos hábitos de higiene de manos: Do this especially after using the bathroom and before eating
If strep throat is left untreated, there is a risk of:
- Ear infection: An ear infection can develop if bacteria travel from the throat to the inner ear. These infections cause ear inflammation and pain.
- Scarlet fever: Left untreated, the bacteria can also cause scarlet fever. This is a condition that causes a bumpy rash to develop.
- Abscess: The bacteria that cause strep may cause pockets of pus to develop around the tonsils. This is a condition known as peritonsillar abscess.
IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ: This material is for reference only and should not be used to determine treatment for specific medical conditions. Please visit a health care provider for evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of any symptoms you may be experiencing. If you're experiencing a medical emergency, please dial 911 or visit your local emergency department.
*FOR STREP THROAT IS AN INFECTION: (Consultado el 23 de agosto de 2019)
*FOR KEY DIFFERENCES BETWEEN SORE AND STREP THROAT: (Consultado el 23 de agosto de 2019)
*FOR STREPTOCOCCUS BACTERIA (GROUP A STREP): via Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (Accessed February 2023).
*FOR IF YOU HAVE STREP THROAT: (Consultado el 23 de agosto de 2019)
*FOR SOME OF THESE SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: (Consultado el 23 de agosto de 2019)