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Tratamiento de infecciones urinarias y de vejiga

Feel like you need to use the bathroom constantly? You may have a urinary tract (UTI) or bladder infection. A urine test done by a MinuteClinic® provider can confirm if the cause is an infection, and if so, what is causing the infection and how to treat it.

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Have questions about urinary tract infections (UTIs) and bladder infections? Get info here.

¿Qué son las infecciones del tracto urinario y la vejiga?

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is a bacterial infection of the urinary system. The system includes the bladder, kidneys, urethra and ureters. They work together to filter the blood, make urine and carry urine out of the body. Urine doesn't normally have bacteria in it. A urinary tract infection happens when bacteria from another source enters the system.

UTI is a catch-all for infections that can occur in the urinary tract, including:

  • Bladder infection (sometimes called cystitis): Cystitis is a bacterial infection of the bladder. Bacteria in the bladder cause inflammation. This is what causes cystitis symptoms.
  • Kidney infection (sometimes called pyelonephritis): Pyelonephritis, or kidney infection, is a bacterial infection. A bladder infection that isn't treated can cause bacteria to travel to the kidneys. This can cause pyelonephritis, which can result in the kidneys swelling. It is more severe than a bladder infection.
  • Ureters: Two tubes that take urine from the kidneys to the bladder.
  • Urethra: Tube that empties urine from the bladder to outside of your body.

Las ITU y las infecciones de vejiga (llamadas también cistitis) pueden dar la sensación de ganas de ir al baño de manera casi constante. Por lo general no son graves, pero pueden agravarse si no se tratan.


Getting help

Un profesional de MinuteClinic puede evaluar sus síntomas y hablar sobre sus opciones de tratamiento para aliviar su infección del tracto urinario o de la vejiga. Si es necesario, puede recetarle un medicamento.

1. Prior to scheduling your appointment, you may have to answer a few questions to help us prepare for your visit.

2. Check-in varies depending on how you scheduled your appointment.

Si hizo su cita en línea:
Regístrese con el correo electrónico o mensaje de texto que le enviamos para confirmar su cita. Si prefiere registrarse en el quiosco electrónico, asegúrese de tener su código de confirmación.

Si hizo su cita en la clínica:
Inicie sesión en el quiosco electrónico.

3. When it's time for your appointment, a provider will call your name.

4. Your provider will conduct a thorough examination based on your reason for visit, presenting symptoms and health history. Los cargos dependerán del examen y los servicios prestados durante la visita.

5. At the end of your visit, you are provided with a visit summary, a receipt and educational material about your diagnosis. Si usted lo solicita, podemos enviarle información sobre su consulta a su profesional de la salud de cabecera.

Urinary tract infection and bladder infection testing, causes and symptoms

Hay ciertos síntomas que pueden indicar que se trata de una ITU, pero se pueden hacer pruebas para confirmar la infección y determinar qué tipo de bacterias la causan. To aid in a diagnosis, a urinalysis test may be run. A MinuteClinic provider examines a sample of your urine during this lab test. They look for red blood cells, white blood cells, bacteria and other substances. They also check the color of the urine and note whether it's cloudy or clear. If the sample has findings consistent with potential bacteria, it may be sent off to the lab for a urine culture. If this step is needed, this can help identify an infection and, if so, identify organisms potentially causing the infection. Identifying the correct organism helps decide the best way to treat the UTI.

Por lo general solo se necesita un análisis de orina. Un proveedor de MinuteClinic puede evaluar su situación y explicarle los siguientes pasos y las opciones de tratamiento en caso de que tenga una ITU o una infección de la vejiga.

La mayoría de las infecciones del tracto urinario y la vejiga son causadas por bacterias. Most of the time, the infection starts in the bladder and then may spread to include other parts of the urinary tract.

Some conditions increase your risk of developing a urinary tract or bladder infection. Los grupos son los siguientes:

  • Incontinencia intestinal (dificultad para contener las heces)
  • Diabetes
  • Uso de diafragma
  • Agrandamiento de la próstata (solo en hombres)
  • Tener un catéter urinario conectado
  • Piedras en los riñones
  • Menopausia
  • Estrechamiento de la uretra
  • Embarazo
  • Problemas para vaciar la vejiga por completo
  • Actividad sexual
  • Cirugías o procedimientos en el tracto urinario


Women have a higher risk of developing urinary tract infections than men do. This is because the female urethra is shorter than the male urethra. That makes it easier for bacteria to get into the bladder. Some changes during menopause also increase the risk for UTIs in women. More risk factors include frequent sexual activity and birth control methods using spermicide. Diaphragms have also been linked to an increased risk of UTI. Some situations make it difficult to wipe well after using the bathroom. This includes special needs of some older adults, such as loss of balance or some incapacitation of movement, Alzheimer's disease, dementia and other health conditions. People in those groups should be screened when they have UTI symptoms.

El síntoma más importante de una ITU es el ardor o dolor al orinar. Otros síntomas comunes son:

  • Cloudy, foul-smelling and/or bloody urine
  • Presión o espasmos en la parte baja del estómago o la espalda
  • A strong need to urinate often (even right after you have gone to the bathroom)

Si la infección se propaga a los riñones, es posible que sufra:

You can take some steps to manage your symptoms:


Urinary tract and bladder infection treatment

Treatment options may vary. Your age, sex and personal health history can help choose the treatment. The right treatment also depends on the severity of your symptoms.

UTIs are typically treated with the following methods:

  • Oral antibiotics: Antibiotics can kill the bacteria that cause a urinary tract infection. Your provider may prescribe antibiotics depending on which organism is causing your UTI.
  • Intravenous (IV) antibiotics: IV antibiotics may be used to treat severe UTIs.

El tratamiento para las infecciones del tracto urinario y de la vejiga normalmente se inicia de inmediato, aunque los resultados de algunos exámenes de orina pueden demorar algunos días. El tratamiento se inicia con antibióticos recetados comunes que son efectivos contra la mayoría de las bacterias. If your urine culture shows that you have a different bacterium than the typical and you need a different antibiotic, your MinuteClinic® provider will contact you with a new prescription.

La mayoría de las infecciones del tracto urinario y la vejiga son fáciles de diagnosticar y de tratar. Situations that can make UTIs more difficult to treat and may result in your being referred to a different health care setting include:

  • Male genitalia
  • Embarazo
  • Recent kidney infection in the last three months
  • Vómitos graves

Los antibióticos recetados son el principal tratamiento para las infecciones del tracto urinario y la vejiga, pero tardan en hacer efecto. Si tiene molestias intensas a raíz de su infección, hable con su profesional de MinuteClinic para consultarle si hay algún medicamento para reducir el dolor y aliviar la molestia mientras se recupera de su infección.

Su profesional de MinuteClinic también puede ofrecerle consejos para prevenir las infecciones del tracto urinario y de la vejiga en el futuro, por ejemplo:

  • Tomar mucho líquido
  • Vaciar la vejiga apenas sienta ganas de orinar
  • Orinar después de tener relaciones sexuales
  • Lavarse la zona genital y mantenerla siempre limpia

If a urinary tract infection is left untreated, there is a risk of:

  • Sepsis: A life-threatening infection that may cause organ failure
  • Kidney damage: Permanent damage to the organs that filter your blood
  • Repeated UTIs: Two or more UTIs within a six-month period

IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ: This material is for reference only and should not be used to determine treatment for specific medical conditions. Please visit a health care provider for evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of any symptoms you may be experiencing. If you're experiencing a medical emergency, please dial 911 or visit your local emergency department.