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Services & treatment

Nuestro equipo profesional de atención está a su disposición y la de su familia. From strep tests and flu shots to cholesterol screenings and physicals, we offer everyday and chronic care.

Planifique su visita

CVS practitioner engaging with a parent and their child, who's holding a stuffed tiger toy.

Winter wellness

Your health and well-being is our top priority — get expert care for this sick season to help stay your best.

All the ways we can help

We offer in-person and virtual options to deliver quality care when and where you need it.


Flu, Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis)...

Enfermedades e infecciones

Estreptococo, dolor de garganta, síntomas similares a los de la gripe, mono...

Lesiones y dolor

Sprains, Strains, Joint Pain...

Piel, cabello y uñas

Acné, varicela, herpes zóster, piojos...

Urinary & sexual health

Infecciones del tracto urinario, cistitis, candidiasis...

Pruebas, exámenes y chequeos médicos

Tuberculosis (TB), DOT Physical, Titer, Hepatitis C...

Control de afecciones crónicas

Gota, hipertensión, asma...

Trastornos del sueño


Behavioral health & wellness

Terapia, depresión, dejar de fumar...

Refills & renewals

Renovación de medicamentos por única vez, reposición de EpiPen...

Viajes y salud

Consulta antes de viajar, vacuna contra la fiebre tifoidea, mareos por movimiento...

Weight-loss program

Nutrition, Coaching, Medication…

Cuando le quede cómodo

We're open every day, including evenings and weekends.

Nuestros proveedores ofrecen la atención que su familia necesita

  • Atención de calidad

    Our board-certified providers offer expert care and have extensive clinical education and skills you can trust.

  • Pictogram of a CVS Pharmacy and a practitioner's image on a cell phone screen

    Conveniently available

    Open 7 days a week, with extended hours and virtual care options. We serve local communities nationwide.

  • Pictogram of a family, with mother, daughter, father and dog

    All the care your family needs

    Our providers have experience and training to provide everything you and your family may need — from strep throat to hypertension.