Clínicas ambulatorias CVS cerca de Heber, Utah
Clínicas ambulatorias CVS cerca de Heber, Utah
MinuteClinics® in Heber
A walk-in clinic in Heber is easy to find, whether you are out in the suburbs, in the heart of the city, and everywhere in between. A nearby MinuteClinic® makes the affordable care you require easy to find. When you have a minor illness such as an ear infection or a stye, or a minor injury like a bug bite or splinter, MinuteClinic® can assist in your recovery. You receive professional attention at less of a cost than going to Urgent Care in Heber. If you are feeling too sick to visit in-person, but are seeking professional attention, you can book a telehealth visit.
Heber Clinics
Going outside and enjoying Pine Creek Campground Cottonwood Loop is something the people of Heber like to do, but such adventures can lead to injuries, from poison ivy to unpleasant rashes. A CVS walk-in clinic near Heber, Utah helps you heal from such injuries and get you back to cheering on your favorite team at Utah WinterCross. The Heber clinic does more than help you address minor injuries and illnesses, it is also where you can get wellness checks, physicals, immunizations, and a lot more.
MinuteClinic® Services in Heber
There are several valuable services available at a MinuteClinic® in the Heber area, such as:
- Get examined for symptoms of maladies such as ear infection, styes, bronchitis, and more. A MinuteClinic® practitioner can diagnose your illness and help create a treatment plan.
- If you suffer a minor injury, MinuteClinic® can help. We offer tick bite treatment, sting treatment, minor burn treatment, joint pain treatment, and more to help get you back to full strength.
- Know your key health numbers, like blood pressure and BMI. Get tested and receive care for chronic conditions with an A1C test, asthma monitoring, cholesterol screening, and other treatment.
- Find ways to help heal itchy, dry skin, and other minor skin conditions, such as sunburn treatment, impetigo treatment, poison oak treatment, and more from a visit to a Heber clinic.
- Set up a pre-travel consultation to help find out everything you need to get ready for your trip, based on where you're traveling. Find out about malaria treatment, motion sickness prevention, typhoid prevention, and other issues you may face while traveling far from home.
- CVS has a range of shots for the whole family-from children to adults. Sought-after shots such as the Tdap shot, tetanus shot, and vitamin B12 injection are readily available.
- Get help improving your health and getting ready for sports leagues, jobs, and college with a weight loss program, mental health counseling, COVID-19 antibody testing, ear wax removal, and more.
- If you cannot visit your OB/GYN or primary care physician, a MinuteClinic® in Heber can help. Access essential women's services like HPV treatment, yeast infection treatment, urinary tract infection treatment, and more.
A Heber clinic is here to help satisfy your healthcare needs. Go to one of our MinuteClinic® sites near Heber to receive the care you require.
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