Clínicas ambulatorias CVS cerca de Auburn Hills, Michigan


Clínica(s) cerca de Auburn Hills

Walk-ins are back at MinuteClinic

Walk in at your convenience or schedule an appointment online.

Walk-in visits are subject to availability.

Clínicas ambulatorias CVS cerca de Auburn Hills, Michigan

MinuteClinics® in Auburn Hills

Encuentre atención segura y en persona en una clínica ambulatoria de Auburn Hills al visitar cualquiera de las 12 MinuteClinics® de la zona. From the suburbs to the heart of the city, and over to the campus at Oakland University, you don't have to travel far to get taken care of. Our Auburn Hills area MinuteClinics® help you deal with minor injuries such as splinters and bug bites and minor illnesses such as styes and ear infections. Schedule an appointment at the clinic, or if you're not feeling healthy enough to make it to the clinic, telehealth appointments are an option. MinuteClinic® is committed to your health, and more convenient and less expensive than a trip to Urgent Care in Auburn Hills or a stay at Pontiac General Hospital.

Walk-in Clinics in Auburn Hills

Gamer Gate 2 is fun to explore, but Auburn Hills residents know that you can also incur injuries such as unpleasant blisters or ticks. If you have been hurt and would like assistance healing from a minor injury, visit the CVS walk-in clinic in Auburn Hills, Michigan. You can get healed and back to your plans, like cheering on the home team at Oakland Baseball Field. Along with helping you recover from minor illnesses and injuries, a local MinuteClinic gives you local access to physicals, wellness checks, and immunizations in Auburn Hills.

Servicios en MinuteClinics® en Auburn Hills

Benefit from the following services when you go to a MinuteClinic® in the Auburn Hills area:

  • Get examined for symptoms of diseases such as sinus infection, gout, heartburn, and more. A MinuteClinic® practitioner can provide a diagnosis and help work out a plan for treatment.
  • When you receive a minor injury, MinuteClinic® can help. We offer wound treatment, tick bite treatment, joint pain treatment, sting treatment, and more to help get you on the mend.
  • Find out your important health numbers, such as BMI and blood pressure. Get screened for and get help managing chronic conditions with a basic health screening, asthma monitoring, sleep apnea treatment, and other treatment.
  • Get help with dry, itchy skin, and assorted minor skin conditions, such as scabies treatment, impetigo treatment, shingles treatment, and more from a visit to an Auburn Hills clinic.
  • A medida que se prepara para su próximo viaje, podemos ayudarle a conocer todo lo que necesita saber con una consulta previaje. Our walk-in clinic in Auburn Hills provides typhoid treatment, zika treatment, and motion sickness prevention to help keep you in top form on your travels.
  • Get help fighting off disease with vaccines at CVS. We offer the meningitis vaccination, tetanus vaccine, and shingles vaccine, and several other shots for children and adults.
  • From ear wax removal to TB testing, college physicals, titers testing, and more, CVS practitioners help you better take care of yourself and get ready for jobs, college, and sports leagues.
  • When you can't make it to your primary care physician or OB/GYN, a MinuteClinic® in Auburn Hills is here to help. Find important women's services such as HPV treatment, yeast infection treatment, herpes simplex treatment, and more.

You will find 12 MinuteClinic® locations in the Auburn Hills area, so you won't have to go far to access immunizations, help with treating injuries or illnesses, or diagnoses and checkups. Visite nuestras clínicas ambulatorias de Auburn Hills para recibir atención profesional.

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