Clínicas ambulatorias CVS cerca de EDINA, Minnesota


Clínica(s) cerca de EDINA

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Clínicas ambulatorias CVS cerca de EDINA, Minnesota

MinuteClinics® in Edina

Safe, in person care at a walk-in clinic in Edina is easy to find, whether you're out in the suburbs, taking classes at Northwestern Health Sciences University, or live in the center of the city. We have 43 MinuteClinics® near the city, so the medical attention you are looking for is easy to find. When you are dealing with a minor illness like a stye or an ear infection, or a minor injury such as a splinter or bug bite, MinuteClinic® can assist in your recovery. You will get professional assistance at a lower cost than going to Urgent Care in Edina or a stay at Bavia Health at Fairview Southdale Hospital. When you are not feeling well enough to visit in-person, but are seeking professional consultation, you can book a telehealth visit.

Clínicas ambulatorias en Edina

Exploring Sumac Knoll Group Campsite is something the people of Edina love to do, but activities like this can have consequences, from uncomfortable blisters to bug bites. A CVS walk-in clinic near Edina, Minnesota can help you heal from minor injuries and allow you to return to rooting for your favorite team at Bloomington Stadium. CVS understands that there's more to health and wellness than simply recovering from minor illnesses and injuries. Our walk-in clinics in the Edina area offer immunizations, physicals, wellness checks, and more.

Servicios en MinuteClinics® en Edina

Take advantage of the following services when you stop by a MinuteClinic® near Edina:

  • MinuteClinic® practitioners can develop treatment plans and check symptoms for a variety of illnesses, like STDs, heartburn, STDs, and more.
  • Get on the mend with treatment for minor injuries such as splinter removal, wound treatment, sting treatment, strain treatment, and more.
  • Find out your essential numbers, such as blood pressure and BMI. Get evaluated for and get help with chronic conditions with an A1C test, diabetes screening, cholesterol screening, and other treatment.
  • Visit an Edina clinic for help with itchy, dry skin as well as hair loss treatment, shingles treatment, impetigo treatment, and a variety of other minor skin issues.
  • Set up a pre-travel consultation for help learning what you need before boarding a plane at Minneapolis-St Paul Intl, as determined by where you're traveling. Find out about traveler's diarrhea prevention, typhoid prevention, malaria prevention, and other issues you may face when traveling overseas.
  • Get help fighting off illness with inoculations at CVS. We offer the tetanus shot, pneumonia shot, and Tdap vaccine, and several other shots for children and adults.
  • From ear wax removal to mental health counseling, immunity testing, camp physicals, and more, CVS practitioners help you better take care of yourself and get ready for college, sports leagues, and jobs.
  • A MinuteClinic® in Edina can assist you in getting important women's services like herpes simplex treatment, yeast infection treatment, pelvic exams, and more, for times when you are unable to make it to your primary care physician or OB/GYN.

You can find 43 MinuteClinic® locations near Edina, so you won't have to go far to get immunizations, help with treating injuries or illnesses, or checkups and diagnoses. Visite nuestras clínicas ambulatorias de Edina para recibir apoyo profesional.

Servicios en tendencia
Servicios cerca:
  • Enfermedades e infecciones

  • Salud masculina y femenina

  • Salud mental y bienestar

  • Pruebas, exámenes y chequeos médicos

  • Otros servicios

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