Clínicas ambulatorias CVS cerca de COLUMBUS, Indiana


Clínica(s) cerca de COLUMBUS

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Clínicas ambulatorias CVS cerca de COLUMBUS, Indiana

MinuteClinics® in Columbus

Encontrar una clínica ambulatoria en Columbus es fácil. There are 2 MinuteClinics® near the city, so you never have to travel far to get examined. Whether you're out in the suburbs, living on-base at NG Camp Atterbury, or in the heart of downtown, safe, in-person care is right around the corner. Save money and time when you go to MinuteClinic® rather than to Urgent Care in Columbus. If you're suffering from minor illnesses such as ear infections and styes or minor injuries such as splinters and bug bites, visit one of our walk-in clinics near Columbus, or book a telehealth visit if you are feeling too unwell for an in-person visit.

Walk-in Clinics in Columbus

Exploring CERAland Park is something the people of Columbus love to do, but these activities can have consequences, from bug bites to uncomfortable rashes. A CVS walk-in clinic near Columbus, Indiana helps you recover from minor injuries and get you back to rooting for the home team at Dunn Stadium. Along with providing aid to help you care for minor injuries and illnesses, a local MinuteClinic is the place to go for immunizations, physicals, and wellness checks in Columbus.

Servicios en MinuteClinics® en Columbus

Aproveche los siguientes servicios al visitar una MinuteClinic® en el área de Columbus:

  • MinuteClinic® practitioners can check symptoms and develop treatment plans for an assortment of ailments, like pink eye, gout, strep throat, and more.
  • When you suffer a minor injury, MinuteClinic® can help. We provide wound treatment, strain treatment, staple removal, bug bite treatment, and more to help get you back to full strength.
  • Get tests to learn important health numbers, such as blood pressure and BMI. Find help controlling chronic conditions by receiving diabetes screening, high cholesterol treatment, hepatitis C screening test, and other screenings.
  • Find help treating dry, itchy skin, and assorted minor skin conditions, such as sunburn treatment, wart treatment, acne treatment, and more when you visit a Columbus clinic.
  • A medida que se prepara para su próximo viaje, podemos ayudarle a conocer todo lo que necesita saber con una consulta previaje. Our walk-in clinic in Columbus offers zika treatment, motion sickness prevention, and typhoid prevention to help keep you well on your vacation.
  • CVS offers a slate of immunizations for the whole family-from adults to children. Sought-after shots like the Tdap vaccine, hepatitis B vaccine, and pneumonia treatment are readily available.
  • Get help optimizing your health and getting ready for jobs, college, and sports leagues with ear wax removal, mental health counseling, immunity testing, a weight loss program, and more.
  • A MinuteClinic® in Columbus can help you find valuable women's services including bladder infection treatment, human papillomavirus treatment, gonorrhea treatment, and more, for times when you are unable to visit your primary care physician or OB/GYN.

Our 2 MinuteClinic® sites in the area are here to help you stay healthy. Desde lesiones y dolencias leves hasta controles de rutina y vacunas, cubra todas sus necesidades de atención médica en nuestra clínica de Columbus.

Servicios en tendencia
Servicios cerca:
  • Enfermedades e infecciones

  • Salud masculina y femenina

  • Salud mental y bienestar

  • Pruebas, exámenes y chequeos médicos

  • Otros servicios

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